Lucky: Part Two

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"Abbey Kelton and ten others were murdered by a serial killer here in Bridgewater."

"Here? How can you be sure?" Detective Jordan asks.

"These marks represent where the first ten disappeared," Hotch says and shows the map that Spencer helped make. "The void in the center is his safety zone. He avoids killing near his home to escape detection, and the void's center is Bridgewater."

"Why would he violate his safety zone? No one knew he existed."

"Because no one knew he existed. That's why he left us the fingers," Rossi states.

"If he wants us to know, does he want you to catch him?"

"No. Killing gives him power. Our knowing gives him more. He won't stop. He's just getting started."

Jordan's phone rings and he answers it immediately.

"Yeah. ... Yeah, I got it." He hangs up with a solemn look in his eyes. "You were right. He's just getting started."

Another woman has disappeared, Tracey Lambert. She told her roommate that she was going for a hike, but she never returned. The unsub was waiting for her in the woods and probably used the same attack style as he used on Abbey. The theory is that the unsub was likely in a mental institution because, at the abduction site, Tracey's things that were inside her backpack were neatly stacked and organized.

The severely mentally ill have chaos all around them. When institutionalized, they're given orders and taught to keep their rooms clean and neat. When discharged, they stop taking their meds. Their minds fall back into chaos, but often they do one thing to keep some order back into it. Much like how the unsub was putting Tracey's things into neat stacks.

If Abbey was killed forty-eight hours after being taken, that means Tracey could still be alive. A search party was formed by the locals and the officers to help look in the woods for Tracey. It was Jordan's idea to create this, but it was JJ's idea to have a sign-in sheet that every single volunteer and vendor to sign. There are people who are going to hike and search, but there are others who want to come and provide the searchers and food and water.

You arrive at the designated meeting place and over a hundred searchers are going to help. However, the second you step foot onto the ground, your stomach begins to hurt as if you ate something bad. You're not sure why you're feeling this way as you had lunch over two hours ago. This isn't food poisoning... it's something else... something more sinister.

Another car comes into the area and Detective Jordan and Father Marks step out of the vehicle. Derek sees this and isn't too pleased about the pastor being here.

"Hey. What's he doin' here?" Derek shows his discomfort.

"I called him. State search and rescue are out of Tallahassee. It'd take at least four to five hours to set it up."


"Tracey's a member of the church choir, and my congregation is feeling helpless," the pastor answers. "At least this way, we'll feel like we're doing something. Plus, you could use all the help you can get."

"It's not a good idea. The unsub could be a member of your church. Serial killers like to insert themselves in these investigations."

"Look, Tracey is the second girl to go missing around here, and we all know what happened to the first. Now, I am conducting this search," Jordan states firmly.

"Sir, we're here to help, okay?" JJ calms him down. "Let us set it up. If we have to do a search, we can try to draw him out. Volunteer sign-in sheets should give us a good suspect list."

Criminal Minds Series Rewrite: Season Threeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें