However, if things became worse, it would affect the hospital's reputation; then, she would feel even more guilty.

The patient seemed to be moved. With tears in her eyes, she said, "I didn't want to do this, but..."

However, before she could finish, the door was smashed open.

Then, Lisa saw the patient's husband by the door. He began yelling at her, "Why are you here? Are you here to threaten my wife? You're an evil nurse with no heart, I swear I'm going to sue you and this hospital. Don't even think about settling this with a few thousands. Our lawyer said that the hospital has to pay us millions in compensation, or else no one's getting off so easy!"

"When you knelt on the floor and begged me to save your wife that night, your attitude was nothing like this." Lisa looked at the patient's husband with a cold stare.

The husband seemed to be a little embarrassed and he cursed, "Stop your nonsense. Anyways, get the fuck out of here and don't threaten my wife again. My wife is experiencing severe side effects right now, and none of you will be able to escape from responsibility."

"So, you want this thing to blow up? You are set on blackmailing the hospital out of millions?" Lisa demanded coldly.

"That's right, we're going to blow it up so big for the entire city to know."

"Fine, but don't regret it."

"Of course we won't, your threats don't work on us. We're not scared of you. You're just a nurse who's living out her intern years, stop pretending to be high and mighty. Hmph, I will fight you to the death."

"Okay, I'll be waiting." Lisa pursed her lips and walked away.

As soon as she left the room, the patient's husband grabbed her off her bed and slapped her right on her face.

"Are you a f*cking idiot? Did you think you could talk sh*t in front of that woman? Aren't you afraid that she was recording you? If you screw up my plans and I end up with no money, I will f*cking suffocate you." The patient's husband bared his ugly face at his wife.

"Honey, can't we just let it go? I don't want to do this anymore. I don't feel good about it. She's a good person who saved our daughter and me. We should be thanking her, not doing this to her," the patient sobbed as she said this.

The husband, however, remained unconvinced. Instead, he pointed at his wife and began cursing at her, "I'm telling you, don't ruin it for me. We've already started, so we're seeing this through. The hospital has to compensate us! Once we're rich, the rest of our lives will be covered."

"But that money doesn't even belong to us in the first place, I..." the patient tried to refute.

Her husband immediately reached out and grabbed her by her neck, "You stupid woman, you're an idiot who can't even give me a son. I shouldn't have begged them that night, I should've let you die. You're a chicken who can't lay male eggs, I'm disgusted. Let me tell you, you have to listen to me on this. If you don't cooperate, I will leave you and our home, and I will divorce you. There are so many women out there, I'm sure there will be others out there willing to give me a son. Then, you and your two money-burning daughters can get the f*ck back to your mother's house."

Fear flashed in the patient's eyes when she heard the word 'divorce'.

When she married him, she decided to never get divorced. Life as a woman was hard. Over the past few years, she had to do chores and take care of her family; her husband was working at a menial job with a low income, and they lived stringently.

Her husband and his parents really wanted sons to bear their family name. They were already unhappy that their first child was a daughter.

After much effort, she became pregnant with their second child. They were told during the ultrasounds that it was a boy, but once the baby was born, they found out that their newborn was just another "money-burning daughter".

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