Sleepovers and Mysterious Objects

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Charlie's POVAfter what had happened Hayley and I knew we had to figure out what was going on so she invited me over to hers

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Charlie's POV
After what had happened Hayley and I knew we had to figure out what was going on so she invited me over to hers. To be fair I had been there before but that was just for like an hour tops, this was going to be for the whole night, it could be considered a sleepover I suppose.

The next morning Hayley and I woke up, Hayley said I could share her bed if I wanted to and if not sleep on the couch in her room. The only person I had ever shared a bed with was Leo and that was when we were little. I ended up on the couch which I was fine with. Since it was late last night when we arrived we hadn't really had a lot of time to think about Hayley's mum and my dad, we did eat and some popcorn and watch a movie but that was it.

Hayley comes out of the bathroom, dressed in a rock band shirt, checked shirt and ripped jeans.

Hayley" You ready for breakfast, I make the best pancakes"

Charlie" Ooo, I love pancakes"

Hayley" I mean who doesn't"

We came downstairs and Hayley's dad is in the kitchen drinking coffee, I could tell because the kitchen smelt of it.

Hayley's dad" Morning you two, well why don't you sit down and Hayley will make you her favourite pancakes"

Charlie" I've heard about them, I can't wait to try them"

Hayley" Don't forget the blueberries!"

Hayley's Dad" Of course, your mum would never forgive me if I left 'em out, were you able to get some sleep? You sounded really stressed on the phone last night"

Hayley" Uh, yeah, you know, it's not that easy to sleep after a 5.2 earthquake"

Charlie" I second that, I didn't sleep well either"

Hayley's dad" Yeah.I still can't believe you both were caught in the middle of that earthquake, How's Alex?"

Hayley" He's fine. Moody, but fine"

Hayley's dad" What's wrong with him?"

Hayley" Hmm girl trouble. He got his heart broken"

Hayley's dad" Aw, poor little puppy. How's he coping? You know how he is"

Hayley" He just shoots hoops all day"

Hayley and her dad then join me at the table, I had been waiting for them to sit down so I could tuck in. I didn't want to seem rude.

Hayley's dad" Ay, you can tuck in Charlie, you don't have to wait for us"

Charlie" Thanks"

I take a bite out of my pancake and Hayley's dad brings up Leo.

Hayley's Dad" So how are you sweetheart, how's Leo? I like that kid"

Hayley" Well, then you'll love his girlfriend. She just came back from London and joined the Ravens"

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