A day off

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Charlie's POV

I sat on my bed while Leo was digging out his swim shorts, I couldn't believe we got have a whole day the beach, I mean I think it meant more since last year it was The Eagles that won. I was hoping to catch some time with my twin ever since Aspen had arrived I could barely get a word in.

Leo" So are you excited?"

Charlie" So much, I can't wait to go in the ocean, sunbathe, oh and the food"

Leo" It's all about the food"

Charlie" The food is the best bit"

Leo smiles as he pulls out his swim shorts.

Charlie" So what about you and Hayley?"

Leo" What about me and Hayley?"

Charlie" You don't really still like Aspen do you?"

Leo looks around hoping that Aspen isn't going to jump out and surprise us. Then again I wouldn't put it past her.

Leo" Look technically I wanted to break up with but she wouldn't take no for answer, so I agreed to the LDR just to keep the peace, I didn't think she would actually come here"

Charlie" I couldn't believe when her and Ashley walked through those doors"

Leo" I just wish I could talk to Hayley she just won't listen to me, can you talk to her"

Charlie" Oh I don't know, I don't want to get in the middle of this"

Leo then pulls a puppy face at me, he had always been good at that.

Leo" Pleaseee..."

Charlie" Fine, I'll see what I can do"

Leo" Thanks sis"

Aspen then enters the bedroom and I sigh saying goodbye to Leo. I head downstairs and meet up with Max, Jackie and Ashley, I see he also has his camera around his neck.

Ashley" Hey, you got your camera too"

Charlie" Of course, I have to get some good shots plus it will be a nice memory"

Ashley" Awww, I think it will be a nice memory"

Ashley looks at me smiling, I then look away and look at Max, Jackie has just grabbed a text book off of him.

Jackie" No! No, you don't, a day off means a day off"

Ashley" What's up, Max?"

Max" It's nothing"

Charlie"Is it Emma?"

Ashley" Who is Emma?"

Charlie" Emma was Max's friend , he really liked her though"

Max" She barely even talked to me when I called her, she sounded like a robot, it was like she was upset I even called"

Jackie" Maybe she's got a lot to deal with, you know, with her mom being sick and all"

Max" Yeah, but that's the thing, if her mom was so sick that Emma had to leave the Greenhouse, then why was she dancing and having so much fun at the dance? It doesn't make any sense"

Charlie" Maybe she just wanted to have one good last time before she left"

Max" Maybe"

Jackie" Max, I know you miss her, but you are overthinking this, you have to let it go"

Max then reaches for his book again and Jackie snatches it.

Jackie" No! No"

As all four of us head down to the beach, everything has been set up a table full of snacks and drinks and most of the Ravens are sprawled in deck chairs, some on the sand and some in the ocean already. I see Hayley, she is sitting on her own, Aspen has just spoken to her, I can hear her annoying squeaky voice from here. I wander over to Hayley as Aspen off down the beach to Leo. I sit down next to her and she sends me a small smile.

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