More Than A Hunch

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Charlie's POV

Daniel had said the code word and we all waited, Brooke then opened her eyes.

Brooke" Daniel?"

Daniel" Hey, it's me, Brooke. Everything's okay.

Brooke" Wait what is going on here"

Daniel" You just came out of hypnosis"

Brooke" What?"

I hand Brooke some water.

Charlie" Here take this"

Daniel" So what do you remember?"

Brooke" I remember a cave, there was a cell, Marcus wouldn't let me out"

Daniel" And what did he want from you?"

Brooke" He kept apologising, but he wouldn't let me go"

Brooke starts breathing heavy.

Daniel" Oh Hey, it's okay, It's okay. I know it's hard"

Brooke" And then she came over"

Daniel" Who?"

Brooke" Your mother"

Daniel" Why would she do something like that?"

Charlie" It's it obvious, Brooke was on to her. I guess she didn't have any other choice"

Hayley" What else can you remember about where you were? Try to think about what you saw sounds, smells"

Brooke" Yeah, um uh it was it was dark.I heard a lot of beeping sounds, like computer sounds. I saw some light. There was a giant black rock behind a glass wall. I don't know"

Hayley" That sounds like the magnetite my mum and your dad discovered"

She looks at me.

Daniel" That's what connects your mum and your dad to my mum"

Hayley makes for the door.

Daniel" Wait, where are you going?"

Hayley" To find Marcus"

Brooke" Are you crazy? "

Hayley" I'm not afraid of him and I think he wants to help"

Charlie" Hayley is right, he knew my dad and her mum, I don't think he is dangerous"

Brooke" He locked me up in a cell and hypnotised me"

Charlie" He's also the one who gave us the keyword to wake you up, I have a feeling we can trust him"

Hayley and I headed to Marcus's office to talk to him, Hayley knocked and there was no answer.

Charlie" Do you think he could have left?"

Hayley" Why would he leave?"

Charlie" Maybe he is ashamed of what he did"

Hayley sighs. Louis then stands beside us.

Louis" Is he here?"

Charlie' We don't know he hasn't answered"

Louis opens the door with the master keys and the room has been stripped of the essentials, all the tool boxes, all the tools usually on the wall and even all the workbenches are gone.

Hayley" When did he leave?"

Louis" I don't know but he just sent me his letter of resignation"

Hayley and Charlie" What?"

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