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Charlie" Help! I have got no reception, what about you Hayley"

Hayley" Nope no reception either"

Charlie" Are we going to die in here, I don't want to die"

Dad pulls me and Leo close in his arms.

Dad" It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay"

As I huddle into my dad and brother I see Hayley and her mum doing the same. This couldn't happen Leo and I had only just met our dad. Marcus who is still unconscious on the floor doesn't even move.

Hayley" Marcus! Wake up! Help!"

I then see Daniel and Ashley on the monitor.

Charlie" Marcus! Marcus! Wake up!

Hayley! Charlie! Leo!

Charlie" Marcus! Marcus! Marcus! You have to let Ashley and Daniel in! Come on"

Leo" Press the button! So close! Press it!"

Ashley and Daniel enter the cave and see us all locked in the cage.

Ashley" Oh my god are you okay"

Charlie" We are okay, yes, there is a bomb you have to get it out of here, it's over there"

Daniel" Wait, how do we get the door open?"

Ryan" There's a special key that unlocks the door, they took it with them"

Hayley" Just go! Go! Leave! Go!"

Daniel" We're not leaving you here, there's gotta be a spare key"

Charlie" Could it be this?"

I hold the key I had found in the safe out the back.

Samuel" How did you.."

Charlie" I found it in your safe"

The boys take the key and then with effort manage to unlock the door with only seconds left. They both run outside and all I hear is a loud boom.

All five of us are eventually let out and we all run out, Ashley is laying on floor next to Daniel. I kneel down beside him.

Charlie" Ashley, are you okay?"

Ashley" I'm fine, I'm just glad you are okay"

Charlie" Well I was incredibly anxious and to be honest it's all a bit surreal"

Ashley" I bet it is, your dad is standing right there and Hayley's mum"

Charlie" I didn't think I would ever see him again"

I help Ashley up as Hayley helps Daniel and I stand with my dad and Leo. Ryan looks at Dad and smiles.

Ryan" I can't believe we are alive Sammy, that we get to see our kids again"

Samuel" I know, the last thing I remembered was you and me using the escape pods, now I am standing here with my twins"

He pulls us close giving us kisses on the cheek.

Ashley" So you are Ryan Woods?"

Ryan" That's me"

Ashley" Such a pleasure to meet you"

Ryan" It's a pleasure to meet you too, what a polite young man"

As all seven of us headed back to The Greenhouse everyone is waiting for us and so are all the news channels. As one reporter chats to Hayley and her family the others talk to Dad,Leo and I, I can also hear someone's Louie playing the news.

The Greenhouse Twins(2) Where stories live. Discover now