Chapter 72 - Friday: A Busy Morning

Start from the beginning

On those dates, Hunter often runs away to the Davenports' or Dex's place anyway. He once disappeared for a few days, and nobody knew where he was. He just sent me a message saying he was fine and then turned off his phone. That was hell; I never want any of us to go through that again. I know he felt bad about it, but I don't think he could stop himself from doing it and he might do it again, so a few days away from each other during these dates has been the best solution so far.

I wish he would just talk to me (or somebody) about what it is that is tying his heart and mind into such knots. I know he still wrestles with completely misplaced guilt towards Misty and me. It breaks my heart, but it is something that he needs to forgive himself for because, in my eyes, he has no guilt, but there is no convincing him of that. I even told him that I forgave him for whatever it was that he believed he'd done to me.

It made virtually no difference.

I couldn't bring myself to bury the woman I loved and our baby in Royalburgh, the city where they died such a horrible death. I wanted to get them as far away from there as possible and brought them all the way to Blue Bay, where we had our honeymoon. Happy memories. It was Misty's favourite place, and the three of us had many wonderful holidays there.

I considered settling down there with Hunter after placing Misty's mother in a good care facility in Shingle Bluff, but Blue Bay is not much more than a small holiday village. It is not an ideal location to create and grow the company I had in mind, and though I was afraid, I did not want Hunter to become isolated and lonely.

Tech Stuff... Yeah, I couldn't think of a name, and Hunter always says I do tech stuff... so... It fits.

Briar Cove is near the centre of the county Fairweather. It is big enough to have good schools and be self-sustainable, yet small enough to be cosy and safe. It is within striking distance of Blue Bay, and the University of Thunder Ridge is also an easy commute away and is one of the best in our country. Tech Stuff is located on the border between Briar Cove and Shingle Bluff.

Hunter has always loved coming to Briar Cove when we flew out to the small airport in Thunder Ridge to visit my parents in Falls Creek, a small town just a bit inland of Briar Cove.

We've stopped asking him to go to Misty's grave with us because we figured that it's best for him to decide for himself when he is ready to do so. He becomes too upset when we ask him to go with us. He doesn't throw tantrums or act out - that's never been Hunter's style - he just buries into a hole and hides or takes off, which is actually worse.

At this stage, I don't think that day is ever going to come. Instead of dealing with his grief and trauma, he is internalizing it, making himself ill. The back spasms and stomach cramps are never a good sign.

I must look fierce because Willow is peering up at me from above the edge of the duvet she'd pulled up to her nose. She is sitting up now and seems to be ready to bolt. It takes a lot of effort, but I manage to give her a warm smile.

"Thank you for taking such good care of Hunter, Lolo," I say, stroking a gentle hand over her head. "I'm sorry you got displaced and ended up in this den of iniquity."

She giggles at the exaggeration, shaking her head. "I don't mind, Uncle Ryan."

She really doesn't look well. Was she too uncomfortable sleeping in Hunter's bed?

"Are you alright, Honey?"

"Yes, thank you," she smiles, nodding earnestly. "I'm quite alright."

Perhaps she just didn't get enough sleep.

The bins!

"I'm sorry I woke you, Love; go back to sleep if you can; there's still about an hour left before you have to get up."

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