"Frank? How nice of you to come back to class... I thought I scared you off..." Billie Joe laughed and stood up before making his way towards my desk. "I- uh, talked to Brendon. He told me about Bert and the concussion. If you ever need to get out of a bad situation or you need an adult, be it at school or anywhere, please come to me. I know what it's like to feel like you don't have someone you can trust. It sucks. Trust me, I know. I used to be bullied and a lot of other shit, and I could always count on my dad... But he passed away and I felt very alone. I don't want kids to ever feel alone. Please, come to me if you need to talk." He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I felt my eyes begin to water.

"T-thank you..." I muttered.

"No problem. Is there anything else bothering you? We still have a few minutes before other students start to come in..." He trailed off.

"There is, but I'd rather not talk about it." I whispered. I didn't need to worry anyone else with the shit going on with my parents and Gerard.

"Ok. I'll leave you be." He smiled before making his way back towards his desk just as Brendon entered the classroom.

"Frank!! Holy shit we thought you were dead!" I heard Bille Joe mutter 'language' just before Brendon tackled me in a hug- Patrick and Ryan soon following suit.

"Why the fuck didn't you respond to my texts you asshole." Brendon laughed as he pulled away- allowing me to breathe as the others let go as well.

"Sorry..." I blushed, "I've just had a lot of shit going on and I didn't want to stress you guys out." I sighed.

"Dude. If you don't talk out your problems, you'll choke on your own misery." Ryan smacked my arm with the hand that wasn't attached to Brendon. Damn, I really did miss these guys.


The school day went by pretty fast, and I was able to avoid talking about anything that had gone on over the week. The guys were full of stories, and they were able to help me relax and be really happy- even if it was just for a little while. I did have to pee at one point, so, naturally, Brendon and Ryan escorted me there. Ryan's excuse for coming was that he had to pee, and I'm fairly sure Brendon only tagged along so he could catch a glance at Ryan's dick. But when I went in and saw none other than Bert McCracken leaning against one of the stalls, I was quite thankful that the pair was with me.

I got on the bus and made my way to where I was sat earlier- just behind Emma. She looked up as I walked by before going back to reading something on her phone (probably fanfiction.)

"So the little faggot's back on the bus..." Bert gave me a wide smile as he sat next to me yet again. I remained silent, but Bert didn't like that. "When someone talks to you, you answer them, got it dickfuck?" He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled it back so my neck was at an odd angle.

"S-sorry..." I managed to speak.

"You better be fucking sorry-" Bert started, but he was cut off.

"Leave him alone, Bert." Bert instantly released his grip and I saw Emma had turned in her seat to face us.

"I let go, happy?" He looked between the two of us and held up his hands as though he was feigning innocence. Emma turned back around and put in her earbuds while Bert huffed and sat back in the seat.

The rest of the ride was quiet until we began to near the orphanage. "So, where's your stop, Frankie?" Bert growled. I remained silent. "Aw, little Frankie doesn't want to talk about it... Guess he's a bit embarrassed... Or is Frankie embarrassed because he likes taking it up the ass?" He grabbed my arm and made me face him.

"It's close, Robert. Please stop talking to me." I turned to look out the window, but Berts hand reached around and grabbed my chin, making my face him yet again.

"Don't tell me... You live at the orphanage..?" I looked down and remained silent. He laughed, "Oh my god, you do! Is it because your parents didn't want a faggot for a son?"

"Fuck off, Bert. " I whispered, still not meeting his gaze. Bert laughed and yelled back to his friends that I was the 'little orphaned gay boy' while I just sat and waited for my stop to come. Eventually, we pulled up outside and I stood up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Bert snarled.

"Off the bus. Please move." I tried to push past him, but he blocked me.

"No, no... We didn't get to 'talk' earlier in the bathroom... You're getting off with me at my stop." He forced me to sit.

"Bert. Fucking stop messing with him and let him off the damn bus. I've had just about enough of you today." Emma snapped from the front of the bus. Bert moved with reluctance and spit on me as I moved past him.

"Fucking faggot..." Bert slunk back into his seat as I followed Emma off the bus.

We walked inside and Emma gestured for me to go into her room with her. I walked in after her and sat in the chair across from her bed. Her room was really cool, there were band posters covering every inch of three of the walls, and the last one looked like her own personal drawing space. She had a bed with a black comforter and white sheets underneath, with pillows that were black on one side and white on the other. Across from her bed was a desk that was covered in papers from unfinished outlines of drawings and stories to math homework from over three weeks ago. She had a big hairy purple rug in the middle of her floor and her ceiling was decorated with what must have been over a thousand quotes. "I really love your room..." I said.

"Thanks. I hated the white walls that used to be here. They bugged the shit out of me- naturally I had to change them."

"I don't blame you," I laughed. "So, um, how long have you been here?" I asked.

"Since I was 8. But we're not here to talk about me. I want to know about you. Who is 'Frank Iero'?"

"Well, I- wait... How did you know my last name?" I questioned.

"I know things, remember?" She smirked.

"Well, as you apparently know, my name is Frank Iero, I am 17 years old and about two weeks ago I moved to Belleville from Ohio. I came out to my 'parents' and they flipped their shit and said they no longer wanted me as a son. And now I'm here. Now, give me the basics about you."

"My name is Emily Johnson, but I go by Emma. I am sixteen years old and bi. I have lived in Belleville my whole life, but only came to the orphanage eight years ago. My mother died in childbirth and I lived with my dad for a long while. One day I came home from school, and-... I'd actually prefer not to talk about it... Sorry..."

"It's fine, if you aren't comfortable with telling me about it, then don't. But I do have one question..." I trailed off.

"Ok. Shoot." She said.

"How in the hell did you get Bert to leave me alone?"

She laughed, "Well, Frank. I was the first and only girl to break his heart, and he still listens to me like I own him." She smirked.

"I think we're going to be good friends..." I smiled and met her gaze as we both burst out laughing.


Oh look, new character. How are you guys doing?

I love you all, and I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends (they're in my head)

Merci pour le venin...

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