Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 [two more]

    No matter how many times, facing Yun Luxing's confession, he will always be a little overwhelmed and heartbroken.

    He slowly took Yun Luxing's hand and said seriously, "I'll take you to the tombstone."

    Yun Luxing showed a puzzled look and a blank expression. From epitaphs to finding tombstones, the topic jump seems to be a bit big. And she just stayed at the level of imagination and thinking, but once she told Qi Fengmian her thoughts, the other party immediately arranged a plan.

    Although this was just her idea, Qi Fengmian had already decided to realize her dream in the shortest possible time.

    It's not a bad feeling, it's even reassuring.

    Yun Luxing glanced at the sky and said hesitantly, "But it's getting dark, it should be very dangerous outside." Yun Luxing is not ignorant, although she is also very interested in finding tombstones, but But not willful.

    After listening to Yun Luxing's words, Qi Fengmian smiled lightly and said, "Isn't that saying that life is short? So let's finish this important thing as soon as possible." He now wants to realize Yun Luxing's wish as soon as possible.

    Whenever Yun Luxing made a wish, Qi Fengmian always made a plan and realized it in the shortest possible time, and this time he did the same. Yun Luxing laughed at him. She tilted her head, her eyes curled.

    Qi Fengmian touched the hesitant Yun Luxing's little head, and said in a warm voice, "And there shouldn't be any particularly powerful monsters in this place, so it doesn't matter."

    As early as when they decided to live here, Qi Fengmian prepared things to sacrifice their love. , while quietly cleaning the nearby monsters, the purpose is to establish a safe place here.

    He was always so decent and thoughtful. If Yun Luxing is willing to die, of course it's good, if she doesn't, then they can live here with confidence.

    Later, Zhang Tiancai and the others moved in. After talking with Qi Fengmian, Zhang Tiantian and Lao Wu volunteered to donate a kite and a clay figurine to patrol the vicinity to prevent enemies and monsters from running in and no one knew about it.

    Both Lao Wu and Zhang Tiantian are first-order ability users. Zhang Tiantian can control two kitemen, and Lao Wu can control two puppet people. With the two of them, occasionally invading monsters will be discovered in time, and It was cleaned up by Qi Fengmian.

    Although everyone has tried their best to create a safe base, the animals and plants are also changing after the end of the world, so everyone can only kill the more threatening monsters. For some alienated small plants or animals, everyone has no time and

    energy to clean up . So Qi Fengmian was only talking about powerful monsters.

    After hearing Qi Fengmian's explanation, Yun Luxing was stunned. So she was a little moved. After all, she was very happy to be able to retrieve the tombstone. She glanced out the window, it was after five o'clock in the afternoon, the sunset was slowly setting, and the sky was not completely dark.

    The two of them went up the mountain together. The place where they live now is a residential area opened up on the mountain. It is halfway up the mountain, surrounded by woods, and behind the mountain is the beach.

    The woods were silent, only the sound of Yunluxing stepping on the branches. Qi Fengmian's shadow covered the ground, protecting the two of them to prevent the sudden appearance of monsters.

Boyfriend wants to die with me every day [End Times]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz