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I opened my eyes and looked up to my left to find Caera standing next to me. Knowing how she can throw a fit at times, I decided to respond to her calls.

"Yes Caera?" I asked.

"You've been spacing out a lot recently... Is everything alright? We can always leave after this zone if you want." she said, staring at me with her ruby eyes.

Looking down at the iridescent egg in my hands, I shook my head, putting Sylvie's egg into my dimension rune.

"Let's keep going for now, who knows, we might find something interesting." I said while standing up slowly.

' You should think about the horned goddess and her wellbeing a bit more Princess. You do know she is into you... right?'

'For a weapon, you sure seem to love giving me your thoughts about everything. Especially when it doesn't concern you. Plus I still made that promise with Tes-'

I suddenly felt sick even thinking about her.

Is that even her anymore? Or is Cecilia all that remains...

'Arthur... you barely even think about her anymore. Even when putting a block on our link, I can still feel your emotions you know. Admit it. You don't feel much of anything for her anymore.' Regis mentally stated before jumping out of my body and stretching.

I sighed. 'You're right. I'll tell Caera the truth right now. Don't you dare say a word, or i'm cutting off your aether.'

'Yes Sir!' Regis said while instantly sitting as straight as he could.

"Caera, can we talk for a bit before we go to the next zone?" I asked while brushing off my pants.

"Sure, is something wrong?"

"No... It's just that... I-"

"Grey, slow down. Take a breath and say what you were going to."

"Caera... In all my time in the Relictombs, you've been with me for most of it, and through that I feel that i've made a connection with you that I haven't made with many others. Well... what i'm trying to say is that, I l-like you Caera."

Feeling embarrassed, I turned away and started rubbing the back of my neck. I could tell my face was red, due to the heat coming off my face.

'Nice one Princess, you have her dumbfounded. Hahahaha, I don't know who is the deeper shade of red, you both look like fucking tomatoes!'

Regis kept laughing mentally, and in response, I momentarily cut off his aether to shut him up. Needless to say, it worked easily.

"I-I didn't know you felt that way Grey, but i feel the same. All my life, i've felt like I could never truly be me, but around you, I feel like I can be whoever I want, without having to worry about being judged. On my end, i think 'liking' you would be a understatement... I love you Grey..."

I've lived two live, yet my heart has never beat this fast before. I was never able to love in my past life, and in this life, love was never an real interest to me. Until now at least.

Turning back towards Caera, I reached for her hand and held it. We both started smiling, and she pulled me in for a hug. It felt... different. Different from all those times i've hugged Tess. Different from all the times anyone else has ever held me. It was Nice.

Breaking the hug after a while, I looked around.

"We should get going. Unless you want to live in here?" I said with a small grin.

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