Chapter Thirty-Five

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Xenia paced from one end of the kitchen to the other as Gabe, Pen, Glenn, Jan and Bast watched her. She was very aware of their staring, but her mind was elsewhere. Tonight would be her ascension. The last of her ceremonies and the final day of the Red Harvest. She turned to the others who all automatically sat up straight, expectantly waiting.

"What time is it now?"

"Five minutes since the last time you asked." Pen answered and gave her a knowing smile.

"Stop that. You're not funny." Xenia began to pace again and rubbed her hands up and down her traditional attire, making sure it was all evened out. "Shouldn't she be here by now? Maybe I should go and--"

"You can't do that, Xenia." Pen held out her hand and gestured for her to take it, but Bast growled and Xenia just tilted her head to the side knowing full well she was the epitome of a territorial feline. Pen glanced over at Bast who began purring as she ran her fingernails along her thigh. Pen eventually gazed back at Xenia with an easy grin and Bast didn't seem to care she was still beckoning her over with an outstretched hand this time. "Just sit down and wait like the rest of us."

Xenia sent them all a scowl. "Shouldn't you be somewhere else? You're not technically supposed to be here when she arrives."

"And you know we have to wait for Dabrowski to escort us to the circle. Calm down. Now you're making me nervous."

Bast reached over and gripped Penelope's knee, giving it a firm squeeze with a smile. Penelope melted against her side and moved her hand to her arm. Xenia scrunched up her face at what the display made her want to do -- search for her mate -- and started pacing again.

Mother Dabrowski walked into the kitchen from her office and looked puzzled over at Xenia, then smirked at the others, recognition blossoming along her features. "Let's go, inner circle. It's time." They all stood and walked to the door, giving Dabrowski a chance to speak alone with Xenia. "Calm your fox, First Vixen. Tonight, you ascend and also take your mate as your own." She put her hands on Xenia's shoulders and appeared exceedingly pleased. "What a pair you two are. Jules was nervous when she left for her walkabout earlier and here you are just the same."

"Well, it's..." Xenia fidgeted with the hem of her pullover and eyed her sash. "This is all very intense."

"As it should be, but after the rituals, once you consummate your union and are blessed by Pierwsza Matka', everything will make sense." At her words, Xenia glanced back up. "Your fox will be at peace and you will lead our people one step closer toward the Wielki Las where we will all meet again. You have earned your title, you are strong, you will be a good, caring mother to your future kits and most of all, I could not be prouder to have you as my daughter." Xenia felt warmth flow through her and she leaned her forehead against Dabrowski's. "Everything will be alright, kit. Chest up, strong heart. Your mate is nearly here."

Xenia lifted her head and could also sense Jules' fox approaching. She felt herself flooded with renewed energy and nodded swiftly to Dabrowski before she and the rest of her circle, aside from Pen, left through the back door. Pen walked to the front door and left through it, picking up what she may need to help Jules dress upon arrival.

Standing alone, Xenia moved to the stairs and waited for Jules to walk inside once her lady in waiting had adorned her with her garments and markings. She could sense her shifting just outside of the door and the sound of Pen just outside helping her ready herself accompanied with nervous laughter carried inside toward her. It took all Xenia's might not to run to Jules right then, but she attempted to be rather nonchalant and leaned against the banister.

This was the hardest part of the soul bonding ceremony. Having to wait while the submissive went on their walkabout. It was tradition and tradition was their entire culture. As the power of the dominant flowed into their mate, the submissive had to run in fox form through the woods. If she didn't, the strength that submissives never felt before until bonding with their dominant could consume them. That strength had been flowing into Jules the closer they drew to their bonding ceremony and she was such the sight to behold.

So radiant, she nearly glowed and constantly took Xenia's breath away.

The woods, the nature around them, had a way of balancing it all out. Then, they would come face-to-face and share in that strength until it flowed evenly throughout them both. Well, evenly to a certain degree. While Jules' would be able to feel her strength and use it to some extent, she would still never be as powerful as Xenia. However, she would be the most powerful submissive in the pack and Xenia knew that would be quite the change for Jules after being weakened for so long.

It was a right of passage, yet Xenia heard from other dominants how hard those few hours apart could grow. It felt like her fox wanted free and to go run with her mate. Like she wanted to keep her close so that they never parted again and to shelter her from the new energy that was so hard to contain.

It changed submissives.

She had wondered what it would do to Jules. Since her injury in Alaska, she had been so sickly, but when their bond had begun, Xenia could feel her growing stronger and stronger each day.

She heard Pen's gentle giggle moving away from the house in the direction of the ceremonial grounds and the door opening, straightening her garments one last time. She checked to make sure all the buttons of her hand embroidered, traditional folk blouse were done and that her ties were on the correct side. Her trousers were a bit loose, but they were held up by the ceremonial sash. They stopped just shy of her ankles and were held in place around them by elastic so that her markings would show.

Xenia suddenly felt self conscious in her garb, yet didn't have time to linger in it. Jules walked inside in a bright fox-red traditional Polish wedding dress and took her breath away once again. Her skin shone pure and delicate and her dress' long sleeves revealed her ceremonial markings. She wore the token Xenia had presented her with on the night of their first ceremony around her neck and the skirt of her dress shined in the fading sunlight showing her elegant legs just beyond it.

Xenia looked at her head and awed at the headdress she recognized as the one Dabrowski's wife wore in her own soul bonding ceremony, filled with flowers. It dazzled in the light, but couldn't hold a candle to Jules' face. She was glimmering, so brightly it was almost blinding and it filled Xenia with uncontainable joy. She could feel herself being pulled toward Jules by the strength emanating from her that somewhat matched her own. It had layers and layers of emotion that tethered them to one another.

When they touched, Jules was trembling.

"Are you alright?"

"This isn't nervousness. I mean, I was nervous before, but now..." Jules bit her bottom lip and clung to Xenia's arms as she wrapped them around her waist. "I just feel excited!"

Xenia smiled ear-to-ear and lifted her hand to her lips, kissing her knuckles. She wasn't allowed to kiss Jules' lips, but if waiting had brought this feeling about, perhaps that was just fine. She wrapped Jules' arm in her own and turned them toward the door. "Me too."

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