Chapter Six

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Pen sat on the center stone in the ceremonial circle more at peace than she had felt... Well, she couldn't even remember the last time she felt so tranquil. It wasn't like she hadn't debated the fact that she still felt guilt for what had happened to her aunt, but in some odd way, her chest felt lighter.

She hadn't even ever spoken of it all to anyone in all these years and here were two virtual strangers putting her at ease, or at whatever blossomed in her chest. She wasn't sure she could even put a name to what she was feeling. Alleviated? Elated? Hopeful? It was most likely all three.

She watched as Jules waved her arms around and continued explaining what would take place at the ceremony tomorrow evening with growing enthusiasm. "Then, Xenia comes to the center and declares her name as the First Vixen. You may hear some of our community refer to her as Pierwsza lisica and once she is ascended they may call her Lisica, but they all mean basically the same thing. That she is our first." She gazed lovingly at Xenia for a moment, then turned her attention back toward Pen. "She must proclaim it in front of our pack and Mother Dabrowski. My mother. Once she does, her first anointment happens."

"What do you mean anointment?" Pen was giddy at her desire to know more about these foxes that lived deep within the woods.

"The first night, it is with the water of the land. Mother will trickle it along her forehead and let it wash over her. Once it does, Xenia will be marked. They are old symbols that declare who she will become. The first ceremony is about her vowing to take on this journey of becoming First Vixen. It's a testament to her willingness to lead us."

"In my tribe..." Pen bobbed her head for a moment, contemplating even saying anything about her tribe's ways. However, why shouldn't she? They were telling her so much about themselves and their people's way of life. She felt the desire to do the same. The desire to extend her hand, so to speak. As foreign of a feeling as it was, it also felt...right. "In my tribe, the leader must take their mate before they take their seat. You don't have to do that here?"

Both Jules and Xenia blushed. Jules darted her eyes anywhere other than Xenia, as she just stared intently at her. So, Pen had been right. She felt an uncharacteristically wide grin growing on her face and let it warm her even further.

"Well, the First Vixen isn't expected to take a mate before they ascend, but many do..." Jules finally answered, and then peeked over at Xenia. She smiled with a rather cheesy expression and Pen could have sworn she heard a soft growl rumbling from her. "A-Anyways, no. It's not a requirement, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't find a mate. Most of us desire mates by the age of sixteen when we experience our first heat and we are usually lucky enough to find them before our twenties, but we cannot be fully united until we have totally bonded with one another. That can take some time."

Pen felt a wave of feistiness take her over from someone other than herself and did something she never would have under any usual circumstances. This place was really doing something strange to her. "Oh! So, can the both of you become mated at any point, then? I mean, you must share the bond." She cupped her hands over her mouth, sensing where her gutsiness originated.

Xenia turned to her with wide eyes, then a crooked smirk graced her face. "We can. The First Vixen and her mate, I mean."

"Interesting. And what would lead you to knowing if you're...compatible with your mate, Xenia?"

"Well, there's this mental link. Actually, I think you may have heard me calling you--"

"An otter?"

Xenia clenched her jaw, and then bit her bottom lip with an embarrassed chuckle. Pen was having entirely too much fun and Jules wasn't making it any easier either. She glanced at her and Jules was covering her mouth while watching all the fidgeting Xenia kept up. Fidgeting that was getting steadily worse with each question Pen asked. Jules appeared as though she may jump in at any moment and help out, but was contemplating not doing it at all as she was definitely finding amusement in Xenia's reactions.

"Yes...?" Xenia eventually answered as she wriggled about, playing with the hem of her shirt, yet still managing to keep her eyes with Pen's. "The point is, you and I also share a mental link. I do with my closest circle. My inner circle."

"Then, you also share a mental link with your mate?"

"I will, but it will be stronger than anything I've ever felt. Or so I'm told." Xenia looked lackluster around the ceremonial grounds. "A link to share our thoughts. Our desires. Everything. And it may show itself in odd ways at the beginning without those involved really knowing what's hit them. It would show that--"

Xenia froze mid-sentence and stared at the grass underneath her feet. The area was eerily silent, until she lifted her head once more, slowly turning her gaze toward Jules. Pen glanced over at her too and found the most tender expression she'd ever witnessed. Pen's chest contracted as she realized what she had just tapped on and she clutched at it in an attempt to calm it down.

It didn't work.

She watched as so many different emotions flickered over Xenia's face, but just as she reached out for Jules' hand, someone could be heard running in their direction. Xenia latched onto Pen and Jules' arms, pulling them behind herself and snarled, but stopped, her nose twitching. She let them go, not before having to steady Jules who staggered on shaky legs, and stepped forward with a furrowed brow.

Xenia? Is everything-- Pen began telepathically.

"Shh. It's okay. It's just a fox." Xenia nodded at her in reassurance, then peered back at the trees, waiting for the fox to emerge. Once she did, Pen recognized her as one of the nurses from her first night on pack land. Was that really only last night...? She shook her head and focused on the here and now. "What is it, fox?"

"Your father..." The fox leaned over, clutching her side as she heaved in fresh air. "He's at the sheriff's station! Needs you!" She knelt down and let out a long exhale. "Need air...!"

"Why is he at--"

"No idea! I was...just get you! Ran clear across town before I was even told where you were!" The nurse looked up, but it was to no point.

As Pen followed her gaze, she realized Xenia was already gone. She spun her head toward the trees and saw they were bouncing in Xenia's wake. So fast! Was this the power of the First Vixen? She may not have been it just yet, but Pen could feel the power wafting off of Xenia whenever she was around her. She was definitely the most dominant shifter Pen had ever met, but more than that, she was staggeringly vigorous.

However, right now, she was gone...and Jules and Pen were not far behind.

Bound Trilogy: Bound: A Supernatural Story (WLW)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें