Snap out of it, Pen. You don't belong here, remember?

The human walked straight over to Julia and sat down beside her, receiving a pat on his hand. She said something to him and he nodded, staring at her lips as she softly spoke. So, not just any human, but a human that was allowed to be touched by the Rosnąco First's mate. A human whose eyes showed adoration and admiration each time he looked at Julia or Xenia, which they appeared to return in full.

Pen was floored by the Lis. They were everything rumored to be and more. It was captivating. She glanced at the other fox who entered with Xenia and Julia and grew puzzled for a moment, then peered back at the fox who led them in. His name was Gabe and he looked completely identical to the other. They even had the same scent. How interesting these Lis were.


Penelope watched Xenia walk to him and pat his back, beginning to spot a trend in her little gestures. "This is Serafin, but you can call him Sera. He's Mother Dabrowski's son. The twins are the youngest and can be called by their first names because of this."

"Heya." Sera said with a wide grin, and then turned to Yumi, beckoning her over. Upon her arrival, he whispered something in her ear and she glowed, jumping onto his back. Gabe joined them and began drumming his fingers along Yumi's back making her squirm and giggle as Sera spoke to Xenia. "We were going to show her that new cave we found, then take her over to the festival grounds. Help set up."

"Yes, that should be fine." Xenia smirked as they all turned and left the room, and then turned her attention back to the others in the room. "Please, excuse them. Due to her parents' close relationship with Mother Dabrowski, Yumi visits very often and is like a member of the tribe. Like a little sister to the twins, so be careful with her or you'll have those kits on your tails." She chuckled and shook her head as she cleared her throat before continuing with, "As I was saying, the Red Harvest will be taking place over the next three weeks. That is three weeks of seeing first hand what is done in our second most honored tradition in the Lis tribe. The Red Harvest is when the First Vixen in training takes on the trials of becoming the leader of our tribe. It is--"

"Wait... What?" The human on Pen's side asked. She had nearly forgotten he was even there, he was so quiet. She glanced at him and was slammed with a wall of arrogance and indifference. It was so strong it nearly toppled her over right then and there. "The tribe is led by a woman? Wouldn't a dominant male be a more...intelligent choice? He'd definitely be stronger."

"Why would that be?" Julia asked, her irritation unsubtle. Even Glenn tensed from beside her and leaned forward.

Xenia put her hand up and they both stilled their movements. "It's perfectly all right, Jules. Glenn?" She glanced back at him.

He unclenched his jaw and sat back at complete ease. There was definitely no disputing the authority she held, but the fact that it relaxed them both so easily was also rather enthralling. It reminded Pen of the loyalty her father inspired in his people, which was something she greatly admired about him, but also told her there was definitely something that he was lacking as their loyalty sometimes appeared more out of fear. Xenia, however, was not lacking as her pack immediately obeyed her as if equally fascinated by the things she did.

Xenia calmly walked toward the human and sat down across from him, crossing her arms casually in front of herself on the tabletop.

"Our people have always been led by female dominants. Gender is of little importance with the Lis and, as you will find out more about us over the next month, you will do well to remember that." She paused and sat back casually, surprising Pen with how relaxed everything about her was when she had been challenged in such a manner. "Our females produce kits, care for them and nurture them. Dominants and submissives alike. And we also have submissive males who nurture the children just as tenderly. They are who keep us moving and functional. And the male dominants have absolutely no complaints as everyone here has their own place amongst one another. However, female dominants lead. They always have and always will. It is tradition and well-respected in our tribe."

Bound Trilogy: Bound: A Supernatural Story (WLW)Where stories live. Discover now