Chapter 8

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The moment he saw Vegas at the door Pete was covered in sweat.

" I'm sure you are looking for me right? I heard you call my name at the Lift", saying so Vegas moved towards Pete step by step. Pete moved back unaware of the wall behind him.

Vegas paused his steps, and so did Pete. But Pete couldn't hold his anxiety so he closed his eyes.

After a few seconds, Pete opened his eyes to see that Vegas didn't move an inch," Wait am I imagining things now..right at this time".

Vegas was puzzled," What are you doing there?", he lost his patience now, "WHY ARE YOU HERE DAmn i...".

" Pete", Tham called out his name in a confusing tone.

Pete took a look behind Vegas," Uncle, I'm bored so I'm exploring your company. It's okay right?", Tham smiled and nodded in acceptance.

" Oh Vegas, you are here! I was searching for you. come let's go."

Vegas paused for a moment to look at Pete's highly strung face and smirked," Coming Father".

Pete was stunned," what.! father?", he stood there grounded, trying to digest the phrase he just heard, "Father of this company or .. dad of this daddiest man here".

" Pete, you can feel at home here. I've already informed everyone about you, so there's no need to ask for permission", saying Tham left.

Vegas once again glimpsed at Pete and murmured," You know that old man right?", took a few steps closer to Pete," Then why are you shocked hearing me call him father".Today he witnessed things that he never heard. He had already gone crazy by meeting Vegas, and now his mind went wild after knowing that Tham's son is Vegas.

Pete didn't know how to react," mm ah".

Vegas was reluctant to leave as Pete's facial expressions were grabbing his attention, but he has important issues to discuss so he left the room, " Just my type"


Tham was waiting while sipping his herbal tea. Vegas entered his office.

" What took you so much time to come ".

Vegas ignored," SO what is the favor I should fulfill".

" You ignorant brat... okay! That boy you saw earlier.."

"Should I kill him"?

" No, Don't even try to do that".

Vegas noticed changes in Tham's face," Is he important"?. Tham took a deep breath, "You have to marry him".

Vegas was stunned to speak, thinking about his father's mindset behind all this play. There was a certain line between them that held them from speaking or meddling in their personal lives. But seeing how his father talked about his marriage for the first time, Vegas cheered but that didn't last long.

" He's important to me so take good care of him".

Vegas knew a castle of sand is prone to collapse anytime but he didn't expect a storm to clean away everything the moment he build it.

Vegas scoffed, "Is that a contract you had with that boy's father? Or is he someone you smooth-talked to become your dog"?

Tham raised his voice, "Don't meddle in adult business...If you want something from me ...this is a deal".

"The moment you talked about my personal life became a business deal... What kind of father are you? Am I born to you?

"Vegas stop acting like a child.. You are grown up now".

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