Chapter 2

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Pete walked towards the entrance with a baffled look. He saw a boy nervously waiting for him. Pete was dazed, "hi! do I know you?". The boy smiled back, "Hi! I'm your junior. I need your help?". Pete is taken aback," wait what...what can I do for you?". The boy looked desperate," please senior". Pete answered, " Okay! Let's talk in the garden".

Kat was having a serious headache so A~ didn't join Pete to keep her company. But she's curious to know who that boy is. People around them started gossiping, "Isn't that boy popular fresher this year! What is his relation with Pete?". Kat murmurs, "people should mind their own business". A~ quickly turns," Are those words meant for me"? She notices Kat frowning," Kat are you okay? Do you want me to get a cup of coffee "? Kat mutters, "Yes ! Let's go together". A~ packs her stuff.

In the front garden, Pete was having a serious talk with the junior. "Judging from Pete's face, I think the young one is asking a favor", A~examines. Kat is out of her patience now, " It's their business, let's just leave it to them". A~ hurriedly takes her phone," They look cute together, lemme take a snap of them". After taking a few pictures, A~ and Kat go to the cafeteria. "Kat look, I think you have to wait. The cafeteria is jam-packed. You find a place to sit first, I'll go get you an iced americano". Kat nodded, " Thank you ". A~ disappeared into the crowd while Kat searched for the seats.

All the classes on Monday start at noon, that's the reason why the cafeteria is packed with students of all the years. Kat looked around but there wasn't a single seat left for her to sit. "senior...Kat ", Kat saw her juniors waving at her. "Senior you can take our seats", a junior said. Kat, "No problem, I'm waiting for my friends ". The junior replied, "we're going to leave anyway.... you can have our seats ". Kat smiled," well thank you then".

Kat sat down thinking about how she ended up at the concert. A~ bought the drinks, sighed, "I'm tired. .I've used all my energy today waiting for your drink. How are you gonna repay". Kat casually took a sip of iced americano, "I'll pay for your drink". A~ squealed with delight, "cool, Thank you, honey".

Pete joined Kat and A~ with Mark. Pete hesitates, " Guys, This is Mark". Mark stammers, " H~ hello". A~ grinned," Hello Mark. You look so cute...Are you a fresher"? Mark nodded.

"So what did you ask Pete"? A~ pried. Mark looked uncomfortable, "I ..I ..". A~ tried to relax him, "Okay okay don't get anxious, we're not that frightening ". She senses something and turns towards Kat who's sipping her drink with a straight face, "Okay we do look so".

Vegas is seated in one of the largest rooms of Laz1 entertainment. He muttered, "Why should I wait for someone who's not worth my time". "Sorry for the delay Vegas" an old man dressed in a grey suit entered the room. "Not a problem, Sir", Vegas smiled

The old man took his seat," you don't have to force a smile dear. I know you're not happy to see me". Vegas hastily asked," why did you call me"? The old man answered," I don't want my top idol to work without a manager, so I've appointed a new manager ". Vegas, "For God's sake, I've already told you that I don't need a manager ". The old man replied with a serious face," We do respect your opinion but on this matter as a CEO, I have to take this decision. I know you miss your ex-manager Kun but rejecting the new manager because of that is not acceptable".

Vegas got up from his chair," Fine. But appoint a person who rarely talks or better if he's mute. I'll take my leave now ..... Thank you.....[pauses, forces out a word] Sir"

As Vegas left the room, his assistant whispered," They're in the pub". Vegas is annoyed upon hearing this. " My mood was already spoiled by this old man, now I have to deal with these two idiotic clowns", he speeds up.

Pete," Mark is a very nice person". Kat questioned, "And you have known him since when"? Pete smiled awkwardly," does 10 minutes count"? Mark spoke up, "Please, senior help me with the marketing subject ". A~," Ay I want to help, but I've barely passed that subject last year". Pete hints by pointing at Kat. A~sighed," well! it's a difficult task then ".

Kat didn't reply. Mark took a glance at Kat's furrowed eyebrows, he immediately left saying," please help me with it senior.I'll take my leave now but  I'll come again to convince you".

Pete asked," Kat! so what's your answer"?.Kat answered," He didn't even look straight into my eyes while asking for help. I'll help him once he becomes bold enough to ask me directly". A~," you scared him?". Kat, "What did I do? His timing is bad, I'm not in a good mood today to talk". A~," you scared him away with that annoying bitch look you have right now"! Pete beamed," I'll convey that to him then". Pete left behind Mark.

Vegas reached the pub he was looking for. As soon as he entered the pub, he saw his friends drinking and flirting around. He's vexed with Jay and Thew. He went straight over to their seats, grabbed a drink, and sat in front of them. Jay recognized, "Hey, look who's here ~ ". Thaw looked tipsy," Let's have a toast". Jay and Thew grabbed their glass for a toast. Vegas spoke in a low voice, "Having fun ah?". slowly putting ice into his drink," I told you to find that fish before it escapes". Jay and Thew were petrified at Vega's bloody face.

Vegas warned," Do you want me to play with you two before you bring me the thing I want"? he puts down the tongs," I'll give you fucking one week, bring me that rascal, or else you'll ..". Thaw interrupted, "we'll find him".Vegas took a sip of his drink and smirked," That's what I want. Show me your sincerity before you die in my hands". He put his glass down and walked away with rage.

In the cafeteria-

A~ and Kat were waiting for Pete. A~ is admiring the pictures that she took earlier," Pete and Mark look so cute in this photo. They suit each other. Look~". She passed her phone to Kat. Kat is not much interested, but she took a glimpse of the photo. Kat roared, "A~....".

A~ flips her hair, "I know I'm skilled....". Kat zooms on the photo," I think Pete is being stalked".


see you next week~

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