Secrets unveiled

886 44 16

A/N: It's been a while I know... life bruh. Life. I really do wanna finish this story tho. Like really bad. It haunts me. I've got more free time now tho. So I'm hoping it'll get done eventually. It's in the home stretch now, only a few more chapters to go. I'd love to do another story, or maybe just go back to my one shots. Who knows, I don't. But boy do I love writing here. Anyway, enjoy!


The back alley was surprisingly cold. Camila hadn't realised how hot the bar had been until the door swung closed behind them.

Lauren remained silent. Pacing back and forth.

Camila gulped and leaned against the rough wall of the bar.

"You saved my life that day?" Lauren asked quietly. Camila chuckled nervously, running a hand through her hair.

"I mean, didn't you notice my favourite hoodie isn't around anymore?" she replied with an awkward smile.

Lauren didn't smile back. Instead she stopped and stared at Camila; an unreadable expression on her face.

The silence drew on and Camila shifted.

"Look Lo-"

Camila didn't get much further.

Lauren moved closer and cupped Camila's neck, tilting her head back slightly and pressing her lips softly against Camila's. Camila let out a squeak before slowly curling her arms around Lauren's neck.

They separated briefly. Just enough for their eyes to flicker open and smile at each other. Then Lauren's hand was tangling in Camila's hair and tugging her closer. Their lips enclosing over each other's and barely leaving room to breath.

It was over a year coming and boy did it feel good. All the flirting, chasing and general teasing finally being let out and Camila was more than happy to let Lauren take control for once.

It was only when Camila felt Lauren's hand sneaking under her t-shirt that she grabbed Lauren's wrist.

"I thought you said we needed to talk," Camila breathed out, trying to calm the rapid beating of her heart.

"Talking can wait."

"Lo-" Camila said with a sigh.

"I've been wanting to do this for over a year, Camz, please," Lauren whispered, her lips brushing Camila's cheek.

Camila lost track of time in that cold alleyway. Everything was overshadowed by the warmth coming off Lauren. The feel of her body curving into hers, the way her breath hitched and washed over Camila's cheek when Camila kissed down her neck.

It was all too much and not enough at the same time.

"Anyone gonna be surprised by this?" Camila chuckled when they finally broke apart and grinned at each other. Lauren shrugged and intertwined their fingers.

"Probably not," Lauren hummed, "might have to break it to my parents in a delicate fashion."

"Woah, bump the brakes Lo," Camila choked, "bit fast there."

"Sorry," Lauren ducked her head sheepishly, "I've thought about this a lot recently."

"Yeah?" Camila asked with a bright smile. Lauren nodded and Camila squeezed her hand. "Me too."

"Wanna talk now? Or after we socialise?" Lauren asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Later," Camila breathed out quietly, "I need to recover."

Lauren smirked and pressed a kiss to the back of Camila's hands.

"Whenever you're ready Camz."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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