Arrest #2

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A/N: I've got back into enjoying writing this, now shit starts happening a bit more... i think :D also lowkey got inspired by Book 4 of Legend of Korra for Lauren's business management skills...


"She didn't keep her promise." Camila burst into the briefing room, making the collection of Detectives flinch.

"Who?" Santiago asked once the stunned silence passed.

"Jauregui. She promised to take down her dad and she never did. Surely that means her deal is null and void. She didn't hold up her end." Camila grinned and rustled through the case box, pulling out an old file and slapping it open on the table. "All these deals Vives made, they were never fulfilled. Ever."

"It could work." Diaz said with a small grin.

"But will it? Like from a legal stand point?" Ally sighed. Camila grinned and bit her lip.

"Only one way to find out."


"Hey guys." Lauren said around a yawn, her shirt half buttoned and her tie hanging over one shoulder.

"Hey Lauser, nice quiet few days?" Dinah asked as she watched Lauren struggle with her buttons. "Want a hand?"

"I'm a grown ass woman Dinah, I can button my own..." Lauren looked down at the shirt now buttoned up wrong. "... yes."

Normani snickered from the doorway as Dinah rebuttoned the shirt and moved to the tie. Lauren batted her hands away and shot her a mild glare.

"We ready for this?" Lauren asked as she looped the tie together.

"Squad's on standby if things go sideways." Normani said with a nod. Lauren tugged her tie up and rolled her shoulders.

"Alright, we got this."


"He's late." Lauren growled, tapping her foot on the floor.

The three of them were sat in a booth at the back of a small Italian restaurant in the middle of jackshit nowhere important.

It was neutral ground.

The Healy's and the Jauregui's had never got along. Especially not after a tiny disagreement back in the 60s.

Everytime some aspirational fresh member of the family tried to fix the family's relationship they always met at this hole-in-the-wall restaurant. It was in neither of their territories, not Brooklyn and definitely not Manhattan.

Lauren had already been talking to Matt about a truce; sure they weren't at war but it was too tense for the two families to be at odds for much longer.

And now he was late.

To their peace meeting.

What a knob.

"You know how lunchtime traffic is Laur." Normani reasoned, toying with the cutlery in front of her.

"Can I just order?" Dinah whined, folding her arms with a huff.

"God yes. Just... eat." Lauren groaned, rubbing her temples and closing her eyes.


Her eyes sprung open and she looked up at Matt Healy.

"Matt." She replied, standing up and smoothing down her tie. "I trust you've considered my offer?"

"Your offer is utter bullshit Jauregui." Matt said, tucking his hands into his jacket pockets. "You want to take over my family."

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