Arrest #1

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Camila was just pulling on her shoes, her tie loosely hanging around her neck when her phone rang. She answered, putting it between her ear and her shoulder.


"I'm outside." The phone went silent. Camila shook her head.

She was convinced she was the only person who knew where Detective Diaz lived, let alone got a ride to work with her once a week.

Diaz had been her mentor during the academy days, and while she was a little scary, she was a great cop. The fact Camila had moved in across the hall from her had been a complete coincidence and Camila was 90% sure she was planning to move the second Camila spotted her.

Somehow she'd convinced her not to uproot her life across town and weaseled out some carpooling in the same breath.

Camila thinks it was her bi-squad speech that really sold it.

That and now they could both rock up to the LGBTQ+ meetings without feeling so alone.

Camila grabbed her keys and her bag before heading down to the street.

"Ready?" Diaz asked. Camila nodded and grabbed the helmet offered to her.

She'd never get tired of wrapping her arms around Diaz's waist and enjoying the rushing of the wind around her helmet, all the while trying to ignore the stop/start of New York traffic.

And perhaps ignoring her slight crush on the Detective.

But from what she's figured out... everyone has had a crush on Diaz (or Peralta) at some point during their time at the 99.


"Hey Sarge?" Camila weaved her way through the busy first floor and caught up with her Sergeant as she waited for the elevator.

"Yeah Cabello?"

"So I was reading up on Mike Jauregui yesterday, and I couldn't help but notice there isn't much mention of his daughter?" Camila said.

"Taylor? She swore out of the family business when she hit 16." Santiago replied.

"No, his other daughter. Lauren." Camila clarified as they stepped into the elevator.

"Oh she's a wiley one." Santiago laughed, her hands clutching her belt as the elevator moved upwards. "No one, and I mean no one, has ever made anything stick with her."

"Really? But I thought she did b&e's like all the damn time?" Camila said with a frown.

"Yeah and she's either got her buddies in the car outside or the family lawyer comes in angling for a deal that gets the charges dropped." Santiago shrugged, the elevator doors sliding open and the pair stepping out.

"That must be one hell of a deal." Camila mused with an arched eyebrow. Santiago smiled warmly at Peralta, a pen dangling from his lips as he frowned at his computer.

"They keep promising to have her help capture her father." Santiago folded her arms and looked at Camila calmly. "Why the interest in Jauregui anyway?"

Camila flushed and clenched her jaw, eyes darting around the bullpen as Santiago waited.

"She... taunted me. I don't appreciate being treated like an idiot." Camila said slowly. Santiago regarded her carefully before wandering over to Peralta's desk.

"Hey." Peralta mumbled, leaning back on his chair and tossing the pen on his desk. "What can I do you for?"

"This is Officer Cabello. She wants to know more about Lauren Jauregui."

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