Prove yourself

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A/N: I've got another chapter already written but after that updates may be a little slow so I apologise in advance

"Cabello... are you... okay?" Santiago asked when she found Camila face down on the break room table.

She lifted her head and stared blearily up at her Sargeant.

"I'm good Sarge." She mumbled, forcing herself to sit up straight.

"Right... this is the third time we've had this discussion in your lunch break alone." Santiago pulled up a chair and sat across from Camila.

"I've just had some late nights this past month." Camila said, waving her hand around vaguely.

"She's been up stalking Jauregui." A new voice made Camila cringe and she tilted her head up further to see Charlie looking down at her.

"Hey Charlie."

"Stalking Jauregui?" Santiago raised her eyebrow at her officer.

"Investigating." Camila corrected quietly.

"Jauregui's my case Cabello. I didn't think you'd start your own side thing." Charlie said with a frown, crossing his arms over his chest.

"But don't you even want to know what I found?" Camila said with a sigh.

"I doubt it's anything we haven't found." Charlie shot back quickly. Santiago shot him a glare.

"Wouldn't hurt for a fresh pair of eyes Puth. You guys have been hunting that man for years. Maybe a young, new look is exactly what you need." Santiago said firmly.

"Bring your research over to Major Crimes tomorrow afternoon around 1." Charlie said, eyeing Santiago with a look that said 'you owe me'. "We can brief each other and see where we're at."

"Sounds good." Camila smiled before Charlie wandered away, shaking his head. "Thank you." She said to Santiago.

"Don't blow it."


"Kid, this is a big opportunity to show me what you've got." Lauren nodded as her father poured a glass of whiskey.

"I know dad."

"Doing a meeting for me... you can learn the ropes to people pleasing." He grumbled as he swirled his whiskey. "It's nothing too dangerous."

"I can handle anything dad. I'm not some kid anymore." Lauren sighed.

"I know you can Laur, but these people are dangerous. Not some gangbangers, proper organised crime. If you can talk your way out of the situation, do it. Jauregui's are not known for shooting first, asking questions later." Lauren watched as he sipped his drink, eyes not leaving hers.

"I know dad."

"Then you best get ready, the meeting's tomorrow at 3. Take your friends with you, they need to learn the ropes of being your right hand ladies." Lauren grinned at this. "Oh and don't forget to look the part, so lose the sweats darling."

"Gotcha dad. Won't let you down."

"I hope so."


Camila had never been to Major Crimes before but she'd heard the stories.

Luckily The Vulture was before her time and he was long gone. No more stealing cases from the other precincts.

She headed up to Charlie's floor and was surprised to see how sleek it was compared to the 99.

She found him set up in a conference room.

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