"Okay enough Mark. I don't need to know that." Dad said to him then turned to me and my eyes widened.

"Couldn't you wait till the girl left high school for that?" Dad asked trying to be angry.

"I-I . . but dad she's 18, it's not like I had sex with her underage." I tried saying confidently but failing.

"Well you could have wait, didn't you lost yours at 21?" He said out loud. I say Ally and Marcus looked at me with wide eyes. Okay that's so embarrassing.

"Dad, I'm leaving. You're trying to embarrass me and don't you dare tell ma about it." I stomped out of the kitchen with the food in my hand like a little child.

I can hear all of them laughing at me.

| Flashback Ends. |

I got ready to go to the office today, I had to check what's going on there and see if they found the bastard who dare to steal from my company.

I called my driver to pick me up and in no time he came. I closed my eyes as he drove me to the office.

I reached in no time, I went inside and the security guard recognized me, he bowed his head at me. What am I ? God? no need to bow.

"Welcome boss." He said and I nodded at him, finding my way further inside the building. The moment my employees saw me, there eyes widened. I mean it's been months since I last came to this office.

"The boss is back."

"Wow, he looks even more handsome now."

"Do you think he's here to stay?"

"what I would give to get that man in my bed."

"Stop that, he's our boss and he has a girlfriend, at least be respectful."

Whispers filled the entire building and I just wanted to leave immediately. I looked at the girl who said the last sentence and smiled at her. She looked at me shocked and her eyes widened.

I went into my elevator and went up to my office. I saw my COO, waiting for me and I nodded at him to follow me in my office.

"Sir we found him hiding in an abandoned building." He said nervously.

"That's good, at least now I can go home. He's coming back to America with me, until he can pay me back every cent he stole from me." I told him sternly and he gulped.

"Now, tell me what's been happening here." I said, and that's how my time went.


I walked out of my office and saw the woman that I smiled at this morning, looking sad. I stopped and wondered if I should go over to her.

I went over to her station and stood there, she looked up and her eyes widened. "S-Sir, is something wrong?" She asked with fear.

"Are you okay?" I asked with concern and she cleared her throat.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine." She looked away from me, I know she's lying.

"Hm, come on we're getting lunch." I said waiting for her.

"You w-want to have lunch with m-me?" She asked shyly.

"Yeah as long as you don't think it's a date or something, just wait for me outside. I have a phone call to make." She nodded and got up going outside.

𝙈𝙮 𝘽𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝 | (𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 #1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя