"Because when she told me about it last time, Margery mentioned the instructor is a young muscly man and you don't want to know what they said. So now when I go back next time, I'm dreading hearing how it went," Atlas says, shuddering and I can't help but laugh at his uncomfortableness.

"You don't want to hear about elderly ladies fawning over a handsome man?" I ask, and he shakes his head. "Because last time I checked, they fawn over you."

Atlas waves me off. "That's different. I don't need to hear about June's sexcapades."

"I'm sure she knew about some of yours growing up, so it's only fair." He dodges the wax that I throw at him. I start to finish by putting the topcoat on.

I finish waxing my board before I strap the cuff to my ankle as Atlas stands up. He looks down at the surfboards on the sand and shakes his head. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"I guess we'll find out," I say, and he doesn't look reassured at all. "You don't have to stay."

"If you're going to do something stupid, you need a witness here to remind you about it in the future to make sure you don't do more stupid things." Atlas sighs, before bending down and cuffing his ankle. "For the record, though, I would like to state this is stupid."


"I'm serious, Thalia." Atlas scolds, and I turn to look at him. He sighs, picking up his board and walking over to me. "You shouldn't push yourself so much. It might do more harm than good."

"Weren't you the one offering to help me?" I raise my eyebrow and he rubs his temple.

"With baby steps. You haven't been able to get past your knees in the water," he reminds me, and I shrug.

"I can climb on my board before that," I argue and he sighs, looking up at the sky.

"You're a stubborn thing."

"Atlas, this is something I want to try. For myself, I want to know my limits. I-I want to know if I can do it," I breathe, and he looks at me before his shoulders slump and he nods. "Shouldn't you be happy that I trust you enough to do this with you here?"

"Ask me after we get out of the water."

I follow him as he walks towards the ocean. He dives into the water with his board, and I stay stood on the sand. He paddles a few feet away before straddling his board and turning towards me.

I can do this.

Taking a breath, I take a few steps towards the ocean. It all seems to happen in slow motion, like I'm in a trance state with my body moving, but my mind hasn't caught up. As I climb on my board, I can feel the water lapping against my feet. I can feel my hands move through the water as I paddle and I can see Atlas watching me like a hawk as I do.

I can feel myself come to a stop next to Atlas, straddling the board. I try to focus on the way the water feels against my hands. The way the board feels under my body, but the memories of that day come rushing back. The water crushing my airways, my head pounding from the board hitting me, the cuff tugging at my ankle.


His voice is distant. My breathing is harsh against my ears as it comes harder and harder to breathe. More rushed. My skin feels like it's on fire and my heart pounds. Nausea rolls in and it feels like my surroundings have zoned out. I can't tell what my body is doing.

"I'm gonna push you back to shore."

I can't tell if I nod. It feels like forever, and it probably is only a few seconds since I don't remember going out so far. I numbly feel an arm wrap around me, my body pressing against something.

Riptide | Sandy Cove Series #1Where stories live. Discover now