Chapter 13: Nightmares

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Adult Language, Violence, sexual inuedo, 

I know this one was short but this is the last chapter. Book 4 will be the battle for New York.

She jumped as she heard the scream. Why couldn't they stop, sick fuckers. Kaitlynn called out to him, "Loki. I'm here." She watched the edges of the light, hoping to see him appear. "Loki!" She walked the edges of the light, like every night, trying to see him. She almost forgot to shield from the Evil Barney. Suddenly the screams cut off. The silence unnerved her. "Lok?" He stepped into the light. Something was different, off, not right. She walked over to him. He was so tall next to her small frame. He was wearing his Asgardian armor. His hair was longer. He had dark circles under his eyes. He reached into the darkness, stretching his arm away from her. When he withdrew his hand, he gripped the scepter. It had a long golden handle that led up to two silver curved blades with a blue glowing jewel between the curved blades.

Kaitlynn looked at the familiar weapon and lept back from Loki. His head inclined and a feral smile spread across his face. He aimed the tips of the curved blades towards Kaity. She narrowed her eyes and looked from the scepter to Loki's face. She noticed his normal ocean blue green eyes now glowed the same color as the jewel. "Fuck," she muttered. He leaned forward and the evil grin spread even farther across his face.

Kaitlynn remembered something that obviously Loki didn't. One side of her mouth quirked into a grin. "You forgot one thing Lokes." His head moved almost snake like. "And what would that be mortal?" Kaity lifted on brow, "My brain, my rules." A cylinder of thick bullet proof glass dropped down surrounding Loki, encasing him in a see-through cage. Loki looked around at the walls of the cage and lifted his fist and banged against it.

"Release me, mortal!" he screamed at Kaitlynn. She just tsk'd at him and held her hand out in front of her. The scepter disappeared from Loki's hand and reappeared in her own. He raged inside his cell. Kaitlynn kept her eyes on him the whole time as she walked to the edge of the darkness and chucked the scepter like a spear into it. "Calm down, Lokes. You literally look like your head is going to explode." A chair appeared inside of Loki's cell. She lifted her hand, palm down and fingers curled. She flicked her fingers up and Loki flew into the chair. As he continued to scream, she twirled her finger in a circle and restraints appeared on his wrists, ankles, chest, and around his forehead.

Kaitlynn wiped sweat from her eyes. She was exerting a lot of energy containing him. Loki's enraged scream filled her ears. "How dare you!" He bellowed at her. "She motioned with her hand in a lifting motion and the glass walls disappeared as if yanked straight up into the ceiling of her mind. She walked forward to where Loki sat. "You mewling..." he started to say. She flicked her wrist and a gag appeared across his mouth. "You will not call me that again Loki." The whole time all this was happening she had been advancing on him until she stood in front of him. He was so tall that even with him sitting the were almost eye to eye.

Loki was watching her with those glowing blue eyes. "If looks could kill," she muttered. She rolled her hands over, her palms up, there was a faint green glow in the center of her palms. Loki's eyes widened and he jerked against the restraints. "Oh, stop that, before you hurt yourself," she told him irritatedly. She held her hands out and placed them on each side of Loki's head. She couldn't see inside his head, but she pushed the energy into him. She thought of seeking out any of the areas in his mind tainted with the blue glow and replaced it with Loki's signature green energy.

She closed her eyes and pushed harder. Visualizing what she wanted like Frigga had taught her. Her knees started to give out on her. She sagged towards Loki. "Lizzie, help me!" she called out. The wispy ethereal image of Lizzie appeared behind Loki and then solidified. Lizzie nodded to Kaitlynn and covered Kaity's hands with her own. Lizzie's hands glowed a brilliant white as she added her energy to the fight to free Loki. "Kaitlynn." Lizzie breathed her name. Kaity opened her eyes and saw Lizzie smile at her. Lizzie nodded and faded out as Kitty collapsed against Loki.

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