Chapter 2: Fate is a Fickle Bitch and Destiny Needs Her Ass Kicked

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After a lot of hurry up and wait, Lizzie was headed to Puente Antiguo to find Thor. That meant she also had to find Jane Foster, and she didn't have a lot of time. They tried to send an agent with her that she didn't know. She had put the kabosh on that idea with one word, well name, Davidson. Now she had Feathers with her. She also had the back of their SUV filled with part of Jane's equipment and research as a good faith gesture. That only happened after she suggested to Coulson the idea of Jane receiving a grant, through S.H.I.E.L.D., to continue her research, rather than a S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist starting from scratch. Men. Duh.

At least S.H.I.E.L.D. had helped give her a location. It was early morning still and Lizzie hoped she had enough time to do what needed done before Thor's friends from the Ren Fair showed up. It was a lot to take in, but she had to convince Thor he had to save his brother.

Feathers pulled up in front of a building full of large glass windows. Lizzie grimaced at all the breakable cannon fodder. "What?" Clint looked at her as if something was wrong. Lizzie sighed. "Look at all that glass. Tony has ruined me on glass." Clint frowned and then the realization hit him. "Tired of dodging it when it breaks Little Bit?" She rolled her eyes at his cheeky grin and headed to the doors, sketchbook in hand.

She knocked on the glass and noticed they were just sitting down to eat breakfast. When no one answered she pushed the door open and started to talk fast. "Okay, I know this is rude, but we have no time here. My name is Lizzie. Elizabeth Sanders. I know y'all are Dr. Erik Selvig, Dr. Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, and Thor Odinson, God of Thunder, Prince of Asgard." She pointed to each of them as she said their names. "The man outside is my friend Clint; I call him Feathers. He is unloading a bunch of your stuff and research, Jane, to hopefully broker a peace offering, but Thor I need to talk to you, and you are probably not going to believe me, but I need you to at least hear me out. Could we talk while they bring in Jane's things and her research?"

"I know I am not letting anyone speak, but it's that important and I really am sorry to interrupt your breakfast and to be so rude like this, but I did hop on a plane at an ungodly hour to come try and help and to talk to you. So, please?" She sucked in a lung full of air as Clint appeared at the door with his arms full of equipment. At least it proved she hadn't lied about that. She swung the door open for him. He walked inside and shook his head. "You're rambling Lizzie. Sum up. It will take too long to explain." Lizzie grinned and Darcy barked out a laugh, "Best movie ever." Lizzie grinned at her. "Inconceivable?"

Selvig, Jane, and Thor were just staring. Lizzie tried again. "Please Jane, Dr. Foster, four Rein Fair rejects are going to show up at any moment, and I am sure you would like your belongings back." Jane walked forward and showed Clint where to put the things he had carried inside. Dr. Selvig and Darcy went to help. Lizzie turned to Thor. "Thor, please, I need to talk to you." Thor looked at Lizzie and demanded, "Who are these Rein Fair Rejects that you speak of? Are they here to cause Jane harm? I will not allow this to happen!" Lizzie looked up at Thor, a single brow lifted at his comment. She lifted her hands to her ears and tried to regain her hearing. She shook her head a couple of times. He was exceptionally large and very loud up close. She looked at Feathers with wide eyes. He shrugged at her as if to say, 'don't look at me'. She then looked at Jane, who was still trying to catch up, then back to Thor. "Dude." Lizzie walked towards him, her hands up in front of her, "inside voice. You are dangerous in an enclosed space."

Thor gave her a confident look. "I assure you, My Lady, I can be dangerous out of doors as well." He grinned at her. Lizzie did a slow blink and had to stop herself from performing a facepalm. She shook herself. "Please, Thor, Prince Thor, I need to speak with you." Thor offered Lizzie a seat at the table, but she had already hopped up on the kitchen counter. Thor frowned in amusement and walked over to her. "Now what did you wish to discuss with me, My Lady?"

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