Chapter 7: Reason To Awaken

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"Father, please, we must return her to Midgard," Thor implored his father, Odin, King of Asgard. "Tell me what the backward healers of Midgard could do for her that our own cannot." Odin turned from Thor to resume his seat upon the throne. Thor started to speak again, and Frigga shook her head at him. This was not a fight that could be won by brawn and strength. Thor shook his head in exasperation and stormed out of the throne room, the Warriors Three and Lady Sif on his heels.

Frigga watched Odin rise and head to retire from the throne room to their private quarters. "My love," Frigga began but was interrupted by Odin, "I will not acquiesce, my Queen." Frigga continued to approach Odin, a soft smile on her lips. The years of leadership seemed to be dragging on him as of late. She crouched down beside the chair he was sitting upon all grace and elegance even in such a common activity. "My love, maybe we should consider that where the magic and science of Asgard has failed, the human heart of Midgard might achieve," The queen of Asgard arched a slender brow at her husband and ran her hand across his cheek, "it is just a thought we might want to consider my husband." She smiled, kissed his cheek, and rose from her position beside his chair. Odin reached out and took Frigga's hand, "She is the key to saving our son, my love, she may also be able to stop the mad titan and save countless more."

Frigga nodded her understanding to him, "and all this she will achieve with no magic and no powers except those of two human souls trying to do what is right and saving the people they love. My love, consider the power of that." She smiled at him and walked out of their chambers to find Thor.

She found Thor sitting in Lizzie's chambers. His large frame once again struggling to be contained in the elegant, airy, and all too small chair that resided near Lizzie's bed. She entered the room quietly and crossed til she reached the bed where Lizzie lay. Gently she sat down upon the edge so that she might not only speak to Thor, but so that Lizzie might know she was with her. She slipped her hand around Lizzie's and trapped it between both of her own. Lizzie's hands were so small and delicate, yet she had callouses from her passion of creating beauty for her world. "And how is our little Tvilling Sjel today?" she asked no one in particular. "I believe she grows weaker, mother," Thor answered, concern in his voice.

"She does indeed," Frigga looked at Thor while she held Lizzie's hand, "Does the man of iron still search for her on Midgard?" Thor nodded, "Heimdall has informed me of such, Mother." Frigga nodded, "You must bring him to Asgard my son, for she is too weak to survive the Bi-Frost." Thor's head jerked around from looking at Lizzie to his mother's face, his expression shocked, "But Father doesn't allow Midgardians to travel to Asgard." Frigga just smiled and patted Thor's cheek like she had when he was a boy, "Yet here one lays, who he will not let go of my sweet son. She feels like she has failed in both of her lives. Loki is missing and the other one feels as if she has lost all hope of the life she remembers. We must give her a reason to awaken from her slumber. There are two hearts breaking inside of this small frame and her slumber will not end if she has no reason to end it," with those words she stood, kissed Lizzie on the forehead, and walked out of the chambers. Thor took a deep breath and did as his mother had, kissed her upon her forehead and left the room. He needed to talk to Heimdall.


Thor landed via the Bi-Frost outside of S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. He was immediately surrounded by men pointing weapons at him. His arrival had caused several alarms to be set off including perimeter breaches that had everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D terribly upset. They didn't like the idea that someone from another planet could just pop in anytime they wanted. The big man stood with his brooding expression and spoke so that all around him, and in the next county, could hear him. "I have come to speak to the son of Coul. It is in regard to Lady Elizabeth." It took them a few moments to figure out he actually meant Coulson, but when they realized who he was trying to contact, they had been in luck and Coulson had been at HQ.

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