Chapter 3: Ren Fair Rejects

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Clint came up to Lizzie and spoke quietly to her. "Oh Shit." She looked at Clint. It was later than she thought. "Alright, but make sure to tell Coulson to duck and cover when the giant metal man shows up. It's not Stark Tech. It's after him." Lizzie jerked her thumb at Thor. "What?" Jane cried out. "When the Warriors Three and Lady Sif show up can you guys try and get the town evacuated? It's about to get hairy down here." Jane nodded, "We can try. I don't know if they will listen." Clint interrupted, "If we can get Coulson on board maybe S.H.I.E.L.D. can help with that." Lizzie nodded. "God, I would love to be able to prevent a fire and not just run around to put them out." Kaitlynn barked a laugh in their mind. 'Well, you aren't the only one that has ever felt that way Lizzie.' Lizzie frowned.

Thor looked at Lizzie confused again; Lizzie just shook her head. "Thor, Loki has contacted the Frost Giant King, I can't remember his name, and he has told him he an come kill Odin." Thor jumped to his feet. "Nay you say!" Lizzie grabbed his arm, "Oh stop that and sit down, Dayum." She rubbed her forehead and then ran her hand through the top of her hair in frustration. "Look he is going to betray, Laufey? Yeah, that's his name. he is gonna kill him and then attack Jotunheim to try and make Odin proud of him." She rolled her eyes. "You'd think after a thousand years you guys wouldn't keep trying to please him at each other's expense. Anyway." Thor interrupted her. "I have never done anything at Loki's expense."

Lizzie jerked her head up to look Thor in the eyes. "Really, Thor, just breathing is at Loki's expense. It's why Frigga taught him magic. You are the favorite Odinson. Your mother tried to make that up to Loki. He is definitely Friggason more than Odinson. That's not your fault, but you didn't stop it because you were a spoiled little boy. Well, that's what got you banished and why you can't lift Mjolnir. It's Odin's fault, but his ego will never allow it to be acknowledged. You have to grow up now Thor, be the man you're meant to be. You're going to have to learn to stand up to your father too, when he is wrong."

Thor frowned at Lizzie. "Let's be honest Thor, Odin can be an asshat. Especially when it comes to Loki." Thor bristled at her words. "Have care how you speak of the King, Little One, it could be seen as treason." Lizzie shook her head. "He may be a king, but he is not my king. My country ran off the people try to force a king's maniacal yoke on to their backs in 1776. Almost two hundred years before I was even born. We are a melting pot of all nations, seeking freedom. Especially from tyrants." She tilted her head to Thor and walked away to gather her sketch book from the kitchen counter. "Loki is sending the Destroyer after you as well." She told him. "I did not know my brother hated me so," Thor shook his head.

While Lizzie and Thor had been talking Eric and Jane had been talking about what Thor had explained to Jane concerning the Bi-Frost and the Nine Realms as they had carried the equipment and computers inside. "It's a lovely theory Jane, but you won't be able to convince the scientific community of any of it. Not without hard evidence." Lizzie heard Erik say. 'Cue the Ren Fair Rejects,' Kaitlynn said to Lizzie.

Knocking on the window was the Warriors Three and Lady Siff. Everyone turned to look over at Lizzie. "I think that hard evidence will come easier than you think, Dr. Selvig." "Found You!" Volstagg bellowed through the glass as the other three Asgardians smiled and waved. Thor grinned and roared, "My Friends!" He walked forward and embraced Volstagg and the others as they walked inside the building. Lizzie heard a cup break. Erik must have not believed her. Figures.

"This is good. This is good." Thor was greeting his friends. "We have much to discuss." Lizzie looked at Dr. Selvig. "Close your mouth Doc. You're collecting flies." Lizzie quipped. "I don't believe it." Erik muttered. "Oh, excuse me Lady Sif and the Warriors Three," Volstagg introduced them to everyone. "My friends, I have never been happier to see anyone, but you should not have come," Thor said to the newcomers. Lizzie looked at the heavens and threw her hands up in exasperation.

Lady Sif looked at Thor in disbelief, "We're here to take you home." Thor sighed. "You know I can't go home." Kaitlynn silently waited for Lizzie to lose her mind; she didn't have to wait long. Kait was staring to rub off on her. "I swear to almighty God and all the gods in all the pantheons, if you finish that statement after what I told you, even telling you these four were coming, I'm going to figure out how-to pick-up Mjolnir and bash you in the head with it, you giant oaf!" Lizzie screamed at him. "Will one of you tell him Loki is being an asshat and his father is in Odin Sleep not dead!"

Sif was frowning at Lizzie, but nodded her head, "Odin is indeed in Odin Sleep, but I am unsure as to what an Asshat is, but Loki is up to no good. What the tiny Midgardian says is true Thor." Thor turned from his friends to look at Lizzie. "if these things be true then perhaps you really are a Volva." The Warriors Three and Sif all turned their heads towards Lizzie. Fandral, smiled at her and gave her, what he felt was, a most charming smile. He lifted Lizzie's hand and bent to place a kiss on the back of it.

"Ah, but this one cannot be a Volva, for she is too young and beautiful to be so. Plus, where is her staff or her wand." He winked at Lizzie as he stood. "Don't waste your charm and winks on my, Robin Hood, my best friend is Tony Stark. I'm immune to sweet talking, handsome rogues," Lizzie told him with an arched brow. "Ah, so you think I am handsome, Smalr Astra (little beauty). Lizzie tipped her head down still looking at Fandral, "That's all you took away from that?" She asked incredulously and rolled her eyes. Lizzie pulled until he let go of her hand. Thor walked behind Lizzie and put his hands on both of her shoulders, "This is the Lady Elizabeth, and she is under my protection." Lizzie tilted her head back to look up and behind her where Thor stood, "That mean you believe me now, Sparkles?"

Lizzie heard Feathers chuckle. She turned her head to look at Clint and grinned. The Warriors Three and Lady Sif bowed to her, "Lady Elizabeth." Lizzie grimaced, "Just Lizzie." Thor nodded his head, "My apologizes. Lady Lizzie would you be so kind as to show my friends your drawn likenesses that you showed me?" Lizzie shrugged. "Sure." She walked over and flipped open her sketchbook. Images of Thor, Loki, Frigga, and Odin appeared. She then picked up the book and flipped through a few pages to show them an image of the four of them. "By the gods." Volstagg bellowed. "She truly is a Volva" He bowed again to Lizzie.

Lizzie looked uncomfortable with the attention this Volva word was causing her to receive. "Guys, we gotta evac people, remember? That Destroyer thing is coming." Lizzie looked over her shoulder to Thor to confirm the name and he nodded. "It's on Earth, or Midgard, and it's headed this way." As they all headed towards the door Lizzie saw a phenomenon that reminded her of a tornado in the distance. "Was someone else coming?" Darcy asked. Lizzie nodded to her. "It's not a someone it is a something, and it's not a good something either."

Towns people were outside exclaiming at the spectacle in the sky. Lizzie sought Clint out and got his attention. "Did you warn Coulson?" Clint nodded. "Better find high ground Feathers. Stay safe." Clint nodded and headed towards one of the taller buildings in the small town. Their group watched for a moment and could spot the flashes of fire and explosions from the phenomenon that was at least a few miles outside of the city limits. "Idiot men," Lizzie muttered. Thor walked up and stood between Lizzie and Jane. He turned, taking Jane's hand in his and spoke to her softly. "Jane, you have to leave." Lizzie felt uncomfortable as if she were eves dropping. Jane shook her and spoke in hushed tones, "What are you gonna do?" Thor responded, "I'm staying here." Volstagg rolled his shoulders and spoke in an excited voice. "Thor is going to fight with us." To Lizzie he sounded like a child on a playground that had missed his best friend.

Thor moved to speak to his friends. He placed his hand on Fandral's shoulder. "My friends, I'm just a man. I'll only be in the way, or worse get one of you killed, But I can help get these people to safety." Jane walked to his side and took his hand, "Well, if you are staying then so am I." Lizzie looked around at the running and panicking town people. "S.H.I.E.L.D. was supposed to start the evacuation, but I am sure they could use more help." Thor looked at his friends, humility in voice, the first Lizzie had heard from him. "We'll need some time." Fandral raised his voice and gave one of his Prince Charming grins. "Then you shall have it!" Lizzie rolled her eyes; Jesus I am drowning in testosterone and none of these warriors seem to be taking any of this seriously.

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