Chapter 1: Don't "Orders" Me Feathers

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As always, Adult Language.

Lizzie had to be met at the Roswell Airport by an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. What she didn't know what that she would be met by Feathers, aka Clint Barton. Mischievous blue eyes met surprised green ones. "Feathers!" Lizzie cried. A genuine smile lit her face and she jumped up into his arms in greeting.

"How are Laura and my babies?" She asked as she hugged his neck. Clint had caught Lizzie when she jumped up to hug him. At her question he gave her an affronted expression. "Really, Short Stuff? No, how are you? What are you doing here? Just how is Laura and the kids?" Clint spun her around a couple of times making her laugh.

"Well, you are here. There seems to be no extra holes in you, so how are my other favorite Bartons?" Clint set Lizzie down on her feet. He wasn't a ridiculously tall man; Lizzie was just ridiculously short. She was curvy and had a wealth of dark hair that flowed down her back, almost to her waist, with soft waves. Lizzie slipped her arm into the crook of Clint's arm. "Okay, give me the scoop. What's going on? Why am I here? Where is Coulson? And is Natty coming too?"
Clint shook his head no. "She is already dealing with something else." Lizzie frowned. "Oh, well crap. That was fast." They passed the baggage claim and Clint tipped his head towards it. "Don't we need to grab your bags?" Lizzie shook her head, "Nope. All I need is in the backpack." Clint chuckled. "Well, that's refreshing."

Lizzie slapped his arm playfully. "Don't even start with me Bird Brain." They laughed and kept walking to the exit and up to an SUV that screamed S.H.I.E.L.D. to Lizzie. Once they were headed out of airport parking, Lizzie in her seat belt, both feet up in the seat crisscrossed, her shoes discarded on the floorboard, she turned to Clint. "Okay Barton, spill" Clint gave her a side glance. "What do you mean?" Lizzie rolled her eyes. "Well, Natty is obviously headed to New York, Oh wait she was already there, to deal with a green anger issue, I left before Tony got back, but he is alive and probably pissed when he realizes I'm not there, you told me your family was great. So that just leaves Coulson and Thor, so spill."

Clint shook his head chuckling. "Short Stuff, you are so matter of fact about some really crazy and classified topics." Lizzie shrugged, slid down in her seat and stretched her legs out. Her sock feet almost able to touch the windshield. "Lizzie..." Clint used his dad voice. "What?" she asked as she tried to stretch to touch the windshield. He pointed to her feet, "Remind me not to let you teach my kids bad habits." Clint had been teasing, but she sobered and sat up, then tucked her feet back into the seat.

Clint noticed the change but didn't comment on it. Lizzie ran her hands through her hair and tugged as she got to the ends. "So, why does Coulson need me?" It was Clint's turn to shrug. "Not sure, but he wouldn't let me shoot Thor." Lizzie rolled her eyes and looked at Clint. "That's because I told him not to. We are going to need him." She paused for a moment, her bottom lip disappearing as she chewed on it. "Shit!"

Her exclamation startled Clint. "What's wrong now?" She shook her head. "Y'all already confiscated all of Jane's research and equipment, didn't you? He nodded. She threw her hands in the air out of frustration. "Hence the expletive. How am I going to get them to trust me if I can't use S.H.I.E.L.D. as a..." she created air quotes with her fingers, "cut through the bullshit filter?"

Clint shrugged, "Orders." Lizzie rolled her eyes. "Don't 'orders' me Feathers. You are starting to sound like Lt. Col. McJudgey Pants." Lizzie crossed her arms over her chest and slouched back against the seat. Clint grinned and shook his head at her. Lizzie side eyed him. "Are we there yet Bird Man?" He sighed. "Really Short Stack?" Lizzie humphed and looked out the window. Clint shook his head again at her actions, but he frowned slightly. Something was wrong. He wasn't sure what it was, but Squirt was trying to hard to be all smiles and sunshine. He had noticed she was thinner, like she hadn't been eating well and she had dark circles under her eyes. If Stark was mistreating her, he might have to test out some of his exploding arrows on his ass. No one hurt his little sister. Even if she wasn't related by blood, she was the closest thing he had to one and he was protective of her.

"We will meet Coulson in a few minutes." Lizzie nodded still looking out the window. "Hey Little Bit, what's wrong?" Clint was getting the feeling something was definitely off with his friend, and normally it would start with Stark and he suspected this time wouldn't be any different. She shrugged. "Come on Lizzie. What's going on?" He persisted. Lizzie shrugged and sighed. Yep, something was up. "You and Stark fighting?" Lizzie shook her head no, then tilted her head in thought. "Well, probably when he comes home, and I'm gone. I'm surprised my phone hasn't blown up yet." She shrugged again.

Clint's eyebrows rose in surprise, but he kept his eyes on the road. "Wait, he doesn't know you left? Woah, more than that, he left you alone?" Lizzie smirked at his words. "Yep. Call Ripley's." Clint scoffed. "I didn't think he would let you out of his sight." Lizzie lifted a brow. "He acts like I'm helpless or twelve. Ha. There is irony for you because he acts like he is twelve, on a good day."

Clint ducked his head and Lizzie noticed. "What?" Clint turned down into a makeshift encampment. "Lizzie, he acts like a jealous boyfriend. You know that right?" Lizzie jerked her head around to look at him, her own brows lifted in surprise. "You know about our past right?" Clint nodded, "Some of it. He is still totally in love with you, my sweet stubborn friend." Lizzie gave a sad smile. "And you still love him, if you would just admit it." He patted her shoulder.

"It's not that simple Feathers." Lizzie looked down. "It would be if you just let it." Lizzie started to say something but before she could he had parked and bailed out of the SUV. Lizzie mumbled to herself as she put her shoes back on. "I'm gonna start calling him Chicken Feathers. I might pluck him too if he gets too lippy." She grabbed her backpack and stomped after him. 

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