Chapter 6: He Didn't Fall, Did He?

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Lizzie woke in a room with a woman standing beside her bed. There was an image above Lizzie. Oh, the healers. That's where she was. Still on Asgard, but still breathing. So far so good. Lizzie cleared her throat, "I'm sorry, but can I speak to Thor please?" The woman ignored her. "Excuse me ma'am, may I speak to Thor or someone who..." The woman tweaked something above Lizzie, and she couldn't breathe, it felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Kaitlynn was screaming in agony inside her head and Lizzie was flailing her arms and her whole body began to shake. Seizure, damnit what had they done to cause her to have another seizure? Rather than it getting better the woman standing next to her adjusted something else and Lizzie's head started to tap out a rhythm on the table she was on, and Kaitlynn screamed her name in her mind. She thought she heard Frigga's voice just as the world faded into black again.

Lizzie woke the next time and realized she was in a room that was definitely like a fairy princess' dream. Large canopy bed, large windows with the sun streaming in, goose down pillow for her head, the covers even felt like silk. There were also bookcases all around the room filled with what looked like ancient tomes. She turned her head slightly hoping that it wouldn't fall off when she saw Thor sitting next to her in a chair that looked too small to hold his large frame. She swore it was screaming as he adjusted how he was sitting. The big man was leaned forward and had her hand in his own and his head was resting on his arms. He stirred like he was asleep but uncomfortable.

She tried to speak, but her throat was super dry. She cleared her throat and tried again, and she didn't even recognize her own croaky voice when she uttered his name. "Thor?" The big man jerked awake and turned towards her. "Lady Lizzie, you are awake?" His voice boomed through the room and echoed around like church bells on Sunday morning. Lizzie did the slow eye blink, and her hands flailed a bit. "Thor, hunny, shhh," Lizzie responded to his ridiculously loud question, "inside voice, please." Thor nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, yes of course." He patted the back of her hand awkwardly. "My mother wishes to speak with you," he stood from the chair and crossed to the door. "I shall bring her right away."

The door swung shut and Lizzie relaxed for a minute. Thor was great, but he was like a Great Dane puppy stuck at that bark too loud and too long legs stage. A few moments later Lizzie heard a soft knock on her door. "Come in please." Lizzie had sat up and put pillows behind her back so she could sit up. Someone had left a pitcher and a glass on the stand next to her bed and she had at least eased her throat with a drink. She had thought of getting out of the bed, but she hadn't gotten that far yet.

Frigga walked in the room looking beautiful, kind, and very regal. "Lizzie." She smiled as she came closer to the bed. "Is it alright if I call you that?" Lizzie nodded and gave her a smile as she came to the edge of the bed and sat in the chair that Thor had just vacated. "Yes ma'am." Frigga reached forward and took Lizzie's hand. "How are you feeling?" Lizzie ducked her head a little. She felt like the ugly duckling sitting next to the regal queen of Asgard, but she wasn't going to admit that. "Fine, I guess, tired, a bit confused because I don't know what happened." Frigga nodded as she spoke, "What's the last thing you remember?" Lizzie frowned for a long moment. "Uhm, telling Thor to throw Mjolnir at us so he could stop Loki and ensure he didn't end up..." Lizzie glanced up at Frigga changing her mind about finishing that sentence, "and then I was on a table. A healer was working on me, I think. Did I have another seizure?"

Frigga patted Lizzie's hand again, "We have much to discuss, but you should rest before we get into all of that." Frigga rose from the chair, but before she could vacate the room Lizzie called out to her. "Your majesty, please, did we stop Loki? Is he alright? He didn't fall, did he?" Frigga smiled and walked to a desk in the corner of the room. She picked up what Lizzie realized was her sketchbook and flipped through some of the pages. She stopped on the page she wanted and walked back to the bed. When she reached Lizzie she laid the book on her lap, "You mean this, don't you Lizzie?" Lizzie looked down and saw her drawing of Loki letting go while Thor was over the edge of the Bi-Frost as well as Odin holding Thor so he wouldn't fall and trying to pull them up.

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