Chapter 12: Ooopsies?

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Odin finally relented and said he would allow Lizzie to leave Asgard after she had spent at least a month learning how to protect her mind with mental shields and if she promised to come back to continue studying with Frigga. Thor was tasked with taking her back and forth via the Bi-Frost. Clint, Steve, and Natasha had gone back to Earth after Tony and Kaitlynn's 'little tiff." Thor was searching for Loki with the help of The Warriors Three and Lady Sif. Tony refused to leave, he did however allow her to walk on her own and stopped insisting that she nap three times a day. He had also gone with Thor a few times to look for Loki. Lizzie was convinced that was only so that she and Kaitlynn would stop trying to find Loki themselves.

The rest of the time Tony was reading everything he could get his hands on about Thanos and the Infinity Stones. After one really bad nightmare, Lizzie had told Tony that the Infinity Stones were the key to everything going on. She did enjoy watching Mr. Tech Genius having to actually sit in a Library with books surrounding him. He teased her constantly about the barbaric conditions he had to work in. That teasing was normally met with either an eye roll or a one finger salute. Frigga had been teaching Lizzie and Kait, but she had also become a substitute mom for the girls as well. She even provided Lizzie with more sketch books and supplies when Lizzie's ran out. The girls couldn't have appreciated anything more.

Rumors were rampant in the castle about Tony and Lizzie, not only would they fight and argue at the drop of a hat and at the top of their lungs, but they would chase each other through the palace or gardens, and Tony wouldn't let her out of his sight so most of the time they slept in the same room. He had almost lost his mind when he had caught a 'tipsy' Thor and Volstagg playing horse for Fandral and Kaitlynn to joust. It was Kait's idea because jousting wasn't something they did in Asgard. So, she decided to show them with Thor as her 'mighty steed' giving her a piggyback ride and using a mop for a lance. This had all come about because she was trying to explain what a Ren Fair was.

The problems really came at night, when Lizzie did sleep, she had nightmares or more accurately Kaitlynn did. They were almost always Loki looking for help or refuge and Kaitlynn was always the soul he came looking for. Some of Lizzie's nightmares were about something that she and Kitty feared, but neither would tell Tony what it was. Tony was more than ready to get the hell out of Asgard. He had things to do on Earth, but he would be damned if he was going to leave them here. He also couldn't figure out why Odin was so adamant that Lizzie stay. That old man was shrewd. Tony was convinced he was up to something.

Tony was walking back from studying in the library one night looking for Lizzie. They only had a few more days, six to be exact before they could leave. He stuck his head in her room and didn't see her. He checked his chambers, but still nothing. Oh God, he hoped they weren't jousting again, or God forbid, having another archery contest in the dining hall. He ran into Thor, "Hey, Point Break, where's Lizzie?" Thor gave Tony a frown of contemplation, "I have not seen lady Elizabeth since she had a very enthusiastic discussion with the Allfather." Thor scratched at his beard. May hap we should look for her together Stark."

Nothing Tony could say would deter Thor from helping him look for Lizzie. "Hey, Hang Ten, I've noticed something, and I wondered if you could clarify it for me," Tony gave Thor a curious side glance as they searched the gardens for Lizzie. "Of course, Stark, how may I assist you?" Tony went on, "Every time your pops hollers 'jump' everyone around here asks how high, yet Lizzie flat out throws down to him and everyone allows it, or even worse when Kaitlynn does. Why?" Tony had stopped and was watching Thor. He wanted a genuine answer. "The first time she stood up to Odin, I thought I was going to have to grab the suit and fight our way out, yet nada." Thor slapped Tony's back and about knocked him down, and laughed, "Because she is a Volva. Stark. A seeress. She is above reproach. It is as it should be, do you not agree?"

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