Chapter 5: Asgard

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They walked into a large golden room; gold seemed to be a seriously repeating design element here. Kaitlynn just facepalmed at Lizzie. She grabbed Thor's arm to cause him to pause before he encountered his brother. "Do not lose your temper Thor." He nodded at her cautioning words and then bellowed. "Loki!" As Thor walked in a beautiful woman with light hair in an intricate hair style and a long flowing dress walked straight out of the pages of her sketchbook and came to life before their eyes. She cried out, "Thor! I knew you would return to us," as she ran to Thor and wrapped her arms around him. Lizzie had gone unnoticed by the queen of Asgard until she cautioned Thor again. "Control your temper Thor."

Lizzie lifted her chin as she walked into the face of what she knew was about to be a shit storm if things progressed along Kaitlynn's memories. She so didn't want to be here, but she would do what needed done to save as many as she could. Loki had raised his head at his mother's cry but had not seen Lizzie until she walked farther into the room. He looked at Lizzie his eyes narrowing. Kaitlynn hadn't thought of it before, but Lizzie noticed his reactions were more like one of those of a pubescent teen than those of a thousand-year-old god.

Thor's voice rumbled with his words. Great. He was not going to help with that tone. "Why don't you tell her? Tell her how you sent the Destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me." Thor advanced on Loki's position in the room. Each word punctuated by his heavy steps towards his younger adopted brother. Frigga's face registered the shock and disbelief as much as her cautious question of why. "I must have been following Father's last command." Lizzie gave a very unladylike and Kaitlynn-esque snort. "For being the trickster, you would think you could lie better than that."

Loki sneered in her direction as if she were nothing, less than the dirt under his heel. "Loki, you can still come back from what has been done. Please, change the path you have started down." She hadn't thought it possible, but Loki's sneer of revulsion and superiority increased. "How dare you speak to me, a mortal, quivering in her boots, speak like that to the King of Asgard," he hissed at Lizzie. "Have care Loki, she is a Volva, and she is trying to help us!" Thor's voice boomed around the room. Lizzie watched as Loki's face contorted into a mask of disbelief and Frigga gasped at the declaration from Thor.

"You have always been a talented liar, brother, can you lie your way out of this one?" Thor spoke with heat in his voice. "And you have always been an ignorant oaf, but I did not think even you would be fool enough to believe every mewling quim you came across on Midgard." Loki hissed at his brother. Loki was preoccupied trading barbs with his brother, so he never saw what was coming. Lizzie had removed her high top as he spoke and chucked it at Loki's head causing him to lose balance and tip forward because of the ridiculous horns on his helmet. Thor looked at her surprised and chuckled. "And you told me not to lose my temper?" Lizzie huffed, "Well he didn't call you a whiney pussy either." She shot back at Thor. Frigga blinked at Lizzie's words and attitude, but they all should just learn now that Lizzie gave as good as she got.

Loki was unimpressed with her behavior, so he seemed to just dismiss her as if she were not even there. This didn't help Lizzie or Kaitlynn's temper in the least. He turned his back to her as if she were nothing of note and spoke to Thor. "Well brother, it's good to have you back but if you'll excuse me, I've got to go destroy Jotunheim now." As he finished speaking Loki shot a Thor with a blast from Odin's staff. Instead of hitting Thor in the chest, his shot went wide, and Thor flew through the outer wall of the room. Lizzie had been warned about what was about to happen from Kaitlynn and had thrown her other shoe at Loki and knocked his shot wide.

"Well now all you did was piss him off," Lizzie smarted off to Loki. "That mouth of yours is going to be the death of you." Loki screamed at her, coming around the sleeping Odin. Lizzie's eyes widened and knew that the better part of valor was to run to fight another day and tried to run away from him. Unfortunately, Loki was suddenly right in front of her and seething with anger. "I'd rather my life end here trying to help the people I love, than wait for Thanos the Mad Titan to snap me to dust," She winced as he grabbed her arm. She looked up at him spitting and mad. "Or break my neck like he does you if you don't stop this madness now!"

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