Chapter 11: You Underestimate Their Strength

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Tony didn't want her over taxing herself. She convinced him she was quite capable of bathing herself, but he had to help her brush out her hair, and he even braided it down her back for her. He hadn't done that since they were kids. When they had their first fight was when she insisted, she could walk on her own and he insisted she couldn't.

The argument ended in a yelling match with an audience. Tony had obviously had enough and picked her up, to her mortification and carried her to breakfast in the dinning hall. She stopped struggling and just covered her flaming face with her hands as they entered the room. As he sat her down, she told him she didn't like him right at that moment. He just kissed the top of her head and sat beside her so they could eat.

The entertainment for the spectators continued as she threatened to shave his eyebrows off his face when they had finished eating and he insisted on picking her up again. His answer was to wiggle said brows at her, pick her up amid her protests and threats, and say 'healers orders.' "You will pay for this T. I swear." Again, he kissed the top of her head and asked where to. She gave a very deep, very put-upon sigh, and just mumbled 'Frigga's garden.'

She guided him to where she wanted to go, and he sat her on the bench she had picked as her favorite. Lizzie asked a maid in passing if she would ask the Queen to join her in the garden if it was convenient. The maid's eyes had almost popped out of her head and just nodded. She smacked Tony's shoulder when he had laughed at her.

They had been sitting there for a little while, Lizzie's head on Tony's shoulder, her eyes closed, enjoying the sun when she felt Tony stiffen. She opened her eyes to see someone coming into the garden carrying a message. "It's fine T." She patted his shoulder and smiled at the messenger. "Thank you," she told him. "Frigga asks that we meet here for lunch in her rooms," she let Tony know. He looked at Lizzie and smiled. "What would you like to do until lunch then, nap?" Lizzie threw her hands in the air. "Tony, I've slept enough for a year. Why in the world would I want to take a nap?"

They compromised and went to sit in one of the common rooms with Nat, Clint, and Steve until it was time to meet Frigga. To Lizzie's dismay Tony was still carting her around like she was an invalid. Nat and Feather's seemed to think this was just hilarious. Lizzie could have lived without it.

They joined Frigga in her rooms and had a lovely lunch. Tony and the Queen getting to know one another a bit better and Lizzie just enjoying having T around again. After lunch had been eaten and the dishes had been cleared Lizzie asked Tony if she could speak to Frigga privately. This caused the second fight of the day. This one only ended when Lizzie threatened to reprogram J.A.R.V.I.S. to call him Mr. Stank-Face instead of Stark. He didn't think she could. Lizzie had no problem reminding him that she had damn close to an eidetic memory and that she had been in the workshop with him most of the last 7 years when he was working. She then threatened to paint all his suits hot pink with Tony Stank of the butt before he finally caved. "I will be back in thirty minutes. Then Ms. Grumpy-Pants you are taking a nap." She rolled her eyes as he leaned over and kissed the top of her head. She then laughed as he told her to stop flipping him the bird as he walked out, without even having to look behind him to know that was exactly what she had been doing.

Frigga laughed at their antics. "Now what did you want to discuss with me little Tvilling Sjel." Lizzie sighed, "Many things, but mostly, Loki." Frigga nodded in understanding. "You would like to know what happened?" Frigga asked. "No," Lizzie shook her head. "Well, yes," she frowned, "But I have to ask you about some strange things I remember while I was asleep and what I'm now having nightmares about." Frigga took one of Lizzie's hands in her own, "What is troubling you my dear?"

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