Chapter 4: The Destroyer

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The Warriors Three and Lady Sif was going to try and buy them time. Everyone else was working to get as many people as possible to safety. Lizzie wasn't sure exactly where that was supposed to be when an alien, fire breathing robot was about to descend upon them, but Lizzie and Kait hoped they could at least keep the collateral damages to a minimum.

The first fiery blast took out a corner of a building. There was just no where to run in the small desert town. The buildings looked as if they were from the depression era and Lizzie feared they would go up like a box of tinder. Thor's four friends walked straight for the towering metal contraption burping fire like it had the worst case of heartburn in history. This thing could have given Tolkien's dragon Smaug a run for his money. The next belch of fire from the shiny metal monstrosity took out the local gas station. Lizzie knew this wasn't the movies, but she didn't really want to be around when the flames caused the gas tanks to explode.

The shining silver ten foot plus tall Destroyer just appeared through the flames, as if nothing phased it. Lizzie watched in horror as Fandral and Hogun launched a running Volstagg into the air as he screamed "For Asgard." How had they survived this long? Lizzie was still trying to help people to get out of the line of fire and to send them out of town away from the Destroyers methodical destruction when she watched metal man slap Volstagg out of the air, throwing him back into a car. Wonder how that was going to play out on the owner's car insurance claim?

Not to be left out of the 'I have no brains' boys club, Lizzie watched Lady Sif jump off of one of the buildings and spear the thing through the upper portion of the Destroyers back. Lizzie felt a jolt of Kait's memories kick her into gear as she started running towards the Asgardians. "Move! It's not done!" Thor grabbed Lizzie around the waist and stopped her. "Tell them to move Thor! They are used to listening to you in battle!" Lizzie tugged on his arms trying to get free. Thor watched as The Destroyer's back became it's front as its head pulled an exorcist reenactment. Then its arms turned so he could grab at Lady Siff while still stuck to the asphalt like a butterfly pinned in a bug collection. Fandral and Hogan grabbed Volstagg and drug him out of harms way as Lady Sif rolled to avoid the fiery blast that emanated from what should have been a face on the metal creature.

The thing then began to pull itself free from the spear that Sif had pinned him down with. The sound of metal-on-metal screeching was something Lizzie thought would live in her nightmares for a while. Kait agreed with her. Sif gave the command to fall back as another blast exploded from the creature. The asphalt finally split, and the flames discharged barely missed Sif as she attempted to retreat. The buildings on the street didn't fare as well. Fire engulfed the area and took down power lines and as he seemed to notice the retreat of the Warriors Three, the Destroyer aimed at them, barely missing but the concussive force blew them through a large plate glass window in the Diner.

"Go. Now. Run." Thor urged all of them. The thing sent another blast of fire through the Diner. Good Lord, Lizzie thought as the Diner didn't just burn but exploded into flames. Glass and debris landed all over Erik, Jane, Darcy, and Lizzie as they were running from the destruction. Lizzie screamed in frustration to no one in particular. "I am so sick of glass falling on me!"

Lizzie noticed as they ran that Sif had sought shelter behind a car, not just from the flames, but she thought from the detection of the metal monster. She wasn't sure if there was even anything left of the Warrior's Three. She knew because of Kaitlynn's memories there should be, but she also knew the timeline was jumping all over the place too. To her horror Lizzie watched as Thor turned and ran to Sif. They spoke for a moment before the Thing ran another blast down the road which caused the car to blow up that they had been hiding behind. Sif and Thor ran separate directions. The Warriors Three emerged from the chaos of what was left of the Diner, worse for ware, but alive. Thor ran to intercept them, "You must return to Asgard and stop Loki." His friends looked confused, "What about you?" Fandral asked. Thor gave that cocky grin. "Do no worry my friends, I have a plan." Lizzie rolled her eyes. "It's a dumb plan but it works," she muttered to herself. Kaitlynn bark a laugh in their head.

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