"This must be a prank." You reassure yourself. 

But you and your husband were the only ones living around for kilometers.

Moving onto your next tasks, you were too busy to be reminded of the strange words you had found. You had sweeped, mopped and vacuumed and the clothes had just finished its time in the dryer.

Pulling down the ironing board, you plug in the iron. While waiting for it to warm up, you add new water to the iron so it can steam and crispen the clothes better. Ironing the clothes, you hum a tune to pass the time. Shuffling on your feet you fold the clothes as you iron them one by one. 

Taking out a white blouse, you notice some spots darkening. With a hurry, you plug out the iron and place it away, waving the blouse to prevent it from sparking to fire. 

"Why today." You moan. The spots on your blouse had now become dark and were irremovable. You ran to the bathroom and placed it in a tub of water and scrubbed it to get the stains out. It was the blouse that your husband had gotten you. 

As you scrub hard, you prayed your husband wouldn't be too upset. The blouse was important because he had gifted it on your anniversary last- 

Wait. When was it?

Your movements temporarily stalled as you tried to remember when your marriage anniversary was or how many years it had been. Suddenly, you were hit with a migraine again and you groaned in pain.

Gulping as the headache subsided, you picked the blouse up again and frowned at its damage. Tracing over the spots, you realize that all the darkened places were connected. 

Suddenly remembering the events that had transpired earlier that day, you squinted your eyes. 

Gasping, you realize that the stains spelled out a letter.


Remembering the other 3 words you found this morning, you tried to piece them together. Rearranging it in your head, your confusion only got worse. 

Husband is not your.

That doesn't sound right grammatically and who would write this?

Your head erupted in pain again and you decided to drop the topic. These headaches were a frequent occurrence for you and you appreciated your husband giving you pain pills. 

Heading to the kitchen, leaving the blouse in the trash, you open the cabinet to get pain killers but when you shook the white container, it was empty. "It finished already?" You inwardly complained to yourself. It was only late morning and you didn't know how you were going to get through this day.

Opening the bottle to take a closer look, you see a piece of paper wrapped it in like a glass bottle you might find in the ocean with a treasure map.

"Not again..." You thought it was your husband doing this. He was always the jealous type and he was probably reminding you that no one but him is your husband. Rolling your eyes at his childish possessive behaviour, you take out the note and smoothen it. 

You were shocked.

On one side of the paper was the word "L".

L is not your husband. You managed to piece that much but you got more confused. Who is L? A family friend, a past lover? You couldn't remember that far back and even if you tried, your headache started up again.

Then, the front door rattled. Your husband must've gotten home early. 

Hiding the note behind your back, you greet your husband as he enters the kitchen. He had a plastic bag in his hand so you took it and placed it on the counter as you greeted him. You decided not to show him the picture you had found where his face was crossed out in red ink.

"Oh, sweetie. You came early today." You state, trying to be nonchalant. 

Your husband scanned your face, your guilty expression giving you away. "Yes. I wanted to spend more time with you. Sometimes, I can't believe I have a wife as beautiful as you."

Feeling embarrassed, you look down and you feel a hand move your face upwards. Looking into your husbands dark eyes, you barely notice that the note behind your hand had been pulled out. "Hey!" You stumble back. 

Your husband looked at the paper. "What is this?" 

You gulp, feeling guilty about keeping it from your spouse. "Someone had been leaving notes with words around the house and I pieced it together like a puzzle."

"What did it say." His voice was chill but it held an unknown emotion behind it. 

You shuddered and your husband noticed, placing 2 hands on your shoulders. "Y/N, I need to know if someone is breaking into our home." 

Mustering your courage, you mumble the phrase you had put together. "Well, it said L is not your husband. But I don't know any L! I swear, I'm not cheating on you or anything." You defended yourself, keeping your hands up.

"I believe you and don't worry, I'll take care of this as soon as possible." Your husband assured you, placing a hand on your back to guide you to a chair. "Also, you sound a bit tired. Have you been taking your medication?" 

You shake your head, sitting on the chair and rubbing your temples. "It just ran out." 

You show him the empty pill bottle and shake it.

"I knew this would happen so I bought extra." Your husband takes the bag you had placed on the counter and took out a prescription bottle. "Make sure you take this every time you get headaches. They'll make the pain go away."

You nod to show him you understand. "Thank you." Your husband unscrews the small bottle and hands you a pill. 

"Right now?" You ask, hesitantly taking the small white pill.

"Didn't you say your head was hurting? It's best if you take it immediately." Your husband prepares a glass of water for you and sets it on the table.

"If you say so." You mumble right before you pop the medication in and drink the water. 

"Thank you for always looking out for me." You thank your husband, pulling him into a hug. "You're the best husband I could ask for,



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