He had a much more difficult time getting on her good side. But he could honestly live without being friends with her.

Oh, he also learned that Ollie and Adrianna live together.

Bill frowned, glancing over at Norah who was currently standing behind the counter with a notepad and paper in hand. Y/n was currently in the cooler, going through their soda stock and seeing what drinks they would have to order for next week.

"Hey. Hey, Raindrop," Bill muttered, grabbing a pen off the counter and tossing it at Norah.

Norah looked up, slightly irritated with the demon. He seemed to grow bored quite easily and was constantly looking for either attention or entertainment, or both. "Yes? What do you need now?"

"I think my ears have stopped working. Or something's wrong with my brain. Adrianna said some stuff and I couldn't understand a word she was saying," he explained, glancing back over and watching as Ollie made her way over towards the pastel woman and began to help her restock the candy aisle.

"...Oh- Oh, you mean-... No, Bill, nothing's wrong with your ears. Adrianna speaks two different languages, both English and Spanish. I believe Spanish is her first language, actually, and occasionally she'll speak in Spanish rather than English. She's also been trying to teach Ollie how to speak Spanish as well so occasionally she'll purposefully slip into it just to test Ollie's knowledge and see what she's remembered from their lessons."

Bill made an 'o' shape with his mouth, falling silent and nodding his head. He used to know Spanish. He used to know all the languages within the multiverse. Had his brain been dumbed-down when it got trapped in this mortal body? He didn't like that idea in the slightest and tried to ignore that thought entirely.

"...Would it be alright if I ask a question of my own now?" Norah asked, moving to hug her notepad to her chest while staring up at the demon.

"Uh- Sure, ask away."

"Thank you. You seem confused by Adrianna speaking in a different language so I'm curious now, does your-... race speak only in English or are there different types of languages that you speak that are different from the ones we speak here?"

"The multiverse is filled with a variety of different languages, some languages that not even your pathetic human brains could even begin to comprehend," Bill grinned, watching as Norah clicked her pen a few times. She seemed anxious to jot down any information this demon was willing to spill about his kind and what he knows. She was just as curious as Jerome when it came to demon knowledge. "I used to be able to speak in a multitude of different languages- though now it appears my knowledge of those languages are failing due to my current predicament. ...English was not my first language though, no. It took awhile to learn the language as I knew I would need to in case of any deals I would have to make with your kind. A language I spoke in oftenly when it came to speaking with other beings like myself was a language known as Caesar Cipher. That was my core language, one I would occasionally slip into by accident as it was just so much easier to speak in fluently."

"Caesar Cipher? ...As in the Caesar code? You-... You can speak fluently in that?"

"You seem pretty shocked by this, but yeah. What about it?"

"Caesar code- That's the code where the alphabet is shifted three letters back, correct? It's a cipher- How could one possibly speak that fluently, it would just come out as gibberish! Would it not?"

Bill clicked his tongue, lifting his hand and pointing his thumb towards Adrianna who had just dropped an entire box of sweets right at that moment. "What she said sounded like gibberish to me, but to her it is a language that makes complete and utter sense. Same goes for Caesar Cipher. Though it might not make sense to you, I can hear the words as clear as day and understand what every gibberish word means. It just takes time to actually learn the language. For some it's easier to learn how to write and read it before they are capable of actually speaking the language themselves. But it's possible."

Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now