Chap 13 : The Truth.

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You got up from your bed and got dressed. You looked on your desk and saw a note.

' Hey silly.
We're going to be gone for a while. So there's food in the fridge and pantry.
Also if you see us but with blue clothes, run. And. I. Mean. Run. '


You were confused but remembered about the situation about you getting kidnapped.

You went to the kitchen and saw some food. You ate and sighed.
You walked around the base and searched for something to do.
You got bored and sat on the couch and drew. Then someone knocked on the door. You got up and looked through the peephole.
It was the mercs. You opened the door and saw the mercs and Ms Pauling.
They all came in and looked at you with worried expressions.
" Oh hello (Y/n)! " Ms Pauling said. You waved at her and she grabbed your hand and said in a calm voice,
" We're going to talk to you about some things. Okay? "
You nodded and followed her to the meeting room.
You sat down on a stool and waited for all the mercs to get there. When they arrived, you started to sweat.
" A-am I in tr-trouble? "
You said.
" Oh no! No! Your not in any trouble. "
Sci-fi said.
You nodded and looked at the floor.
" Okay uhh (Y/n)? "
You looked up at Ms Pauling.
" We have some questions to ask you. So. First one....Do you know who your parents are? "
Your eyes widened and you nodded slowly.
" Do you know where they are? "
You shook your head.
" (Y/n). "
You looked up at Scout with tears in your eyes.
You remembered the incident.
The fire.
Your parents death.
You were only 6.


" (Y/N)! RUN OH MY GOD! "
You ran as fast as your little legs could go.
The fire raised as you ran.
You heard you mom's screaming
And your dad's crying fading.
You felt tears fall from your face.
Your ears rang from sirens of firetrucks and cop cars.
You heard a cop yell.
But you just kept running until you were in the town. You saw smoke come from your house.
You finally found a place to hide in a abandoned hut.
You cried yourself to sleep and waited for the sun to rise.
               End of flashback.
Your eyes were full of tears and you pulled your legs to you chest.
" H-here.. "
Ms Pauling said handing you a paper.
Your mouth dropped and your hand raised to your mouth and your eyes filled with more tears.
As you stared at the papers first words.
(Y/m/a) (y/m/n) (l/n)
Was found dead with  (Y/d/a)
(Y/d/n) (l/n) in a house fire.

You finally let out a sob and dropped the paper on the floor.
You curled up into a little ball and sobbed.
You felt arms wrap around you.
You looked up at Sci-fi and hugged her back.
" I'm so sorry (Y/n)... you were too young... "
You looked up at her with sorrow.
" But hey! We can be your family!
Right guys? " The 9 other mercs look at her with a nervous expressions.
Sci-fi rolled her eyes and looked back at you.
" That means yes. "
You smiled and nodded.
" Ooh! ooh! I can be your big sister! " she said in a thrilled voice.
You giggled and smiled.
" Yeah! "
" And Scout could be your big stupid brother! "
She said.
"What did you say about me, you little bitch? "
Sci-fi flipped him off and picked you up. " Shit bag! " she screamed at him.
She carried you to your room and set you on your bed.
" good night, silly. " she said and closed the door.

You had a real family now.
And a good one too.

Hey guys!
So I hoped you liked this chap and I'll see y'all later.

Also I changed sci-fis design.

If you don't like it or her, I'm sorry

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If you don't like it or her, I'm sorry.

Words : 674

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