Chap 7 : Kidnapped.

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You woke up and got out of bed.
' my head hurts like hell. ' you got up and changed into a red shirt and black jeans.
You heard a knock on the door and opened it. It was Sci-fi. " hey niñ wanna go to the store with me? "
You smiled and nodded giving Sci-fi a big hug. She smiled and walked away saying, " get ready for breakfast shorty. "
You rolled your eyes and chuckled.
You got to the living room and sat next to Scout. He looked at you and smiled, ruffling up your hair. " so I heard Sci-fi talking about taking you to the store. "
Scout said.
" yeah! "
You smiled and heard Engineer yell breakfast was ready.
You jumped from your seat and walked over to the table and sat down.
After breakfast
Sci-fi said Scout and Sniper were coming too. You got ready to go and walked with Sci-fi to Sniper's van. You got in and sat next to Scout, who was looking outside the window. Then we took off to town, Teufort.
As we got there we got out the van and walked around looking for some shops you saw a store with lots of cool clothes. You walked in with Sci-fi and Scout and you were amazed at the clothes and shoes. " Sci-fi? Can I buy something? "
You asked, politely.
" Sí! Here. Don't go too far away from us okay? "
She said as she gave you $30 and you nodded and ran off.

You saw a red and black long sleeve shirt and some brown pants with a base ball cap. You picked it up and ran to Sci-fi and Scout, still holding the clothes. But you couldn't find them.
You payed for the clothes and went to the entrance of the store. No luck. You remembered Sniper went to another store. You went there and looked for him. Still no luck. You walked to the van and felt a hand on your shoulder. You saw Scout! But his shirt wasn't the same color.
It was blue.
You dashed away and tried to run but something hit you on the head and you blacked out.

•-A few minutes later-•

(Sci-fi's pov)

We went another part of the store and saw someone. Blu scout. He was running after a kid. ' Wait...'
" Wait..Scout... (y/n)!! "
Me and Scout panicked looking for (y/n). We saw Blu scout grab (y/n) and hit her on the head and ran after him. He got in the Blu van, flipped us the bird and drove off with her. ' fuck! Im sorry (y/n)! I should have saved you! Goddamnit! '
We called Sniper and told him what happened, he found us and we raced after the van. But we fell behind and lost them.
We raced back to the base and went in. Every hair on my body raised and tears streamed from my eyes. I went to my room as everyone was confused about what happened. ' this is all my fault... I should have gone with her... goddamnit.. '.

(End of pov)

You slowly opened your eyes and saw the Blu team, smiling sinisterly. You were picked up and tossed into another room. The room was cold and there were no blankets or pillows. You shivered and watched outside the little window... ' Where are y'all? I'm scared... '
You shivered on the floor laying with only your jacket covering you. You heard the soft sound of your teeth clacking. You felt like you were dying.

The Red team made a plan to get you back. Scout would go and make a distraction. Spy and Sniper would go and try to find you.
Sci-fi and Engineer would go and start to fight from the entrance
of the Blu base. And the rest will go and fight too. They settled the plan and got in the truck and van. Then off they went to save you.

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