Chap 12 : Comfort .

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It's been 5 months living with the team.

You walked around the base, shivering. " Hey uhh guys? "
You looked around the entire base, nothing.
" Sci-fi! " you ran over to the white haired female.
You hugged her back. Then she flopped onto the ground, dead.
Blood came from her  ears and eyes. You stared into her dark green eyes. They were terrified. 

" run. "
You stared at her body. It was talking. You turned and sprinted to your room. Then you saw the mercs. Hanging from the ceiling. Chopped into pieces.


You ran into your room.
There you were.
You poked your face. You felt it and realized you could try to wake yourself up.
You shook your shoulders and you didn't wake up.
You turned to see the mercs walking towards you. Still with the scared expression on.
" Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. "

You jumped with a gasp and looked around. You were in your bed. You silently sobbed while hugging your (f/p).
You cried hoping nobody heard you. But someone did. " kiddo? "
You looked up to see Scout slightly opening your door.
" You okay? " You nodded slowly and faked a smile.
" (Y/n). I know your lying. "
Scout came over and sat on you bed. " What happened? "
You sat next to Scout and sighed.
' you have to tell him (y/n).. '
You told him everything about the nightmare and he sat there, frowning and looked sad.
" Oh kiddo..." Scout said side hugging you. " Nothins going to hurt me or the mercs at least with me around!! " He said. You smiled and hugged him.
" You know.. you like a big annoying brother. "
You said.
" big annoying brother!? "
Scout said, offended.
" I'll show you big annoying brother! "
He said, tickling you.
" PFFT..Scout! staahahahp!! "
You said giggling.
" Nah! "
He said, continuing to tickle you.
" Okahahahay! I'm sorry!! "
You said.
" Fine! But don't call me a ' big annoying brother '. I'm more like a big awesome brother! "
He said, flexing. " Yeah whatever. " you said, crawling into bed. " night, toots. "
" night, big annoying brother "
Scout rolled his eyes, chuckling and walked out. You closed your eyes and thought. ' he is kinda sweet, but can be a asshole. '
                   Time skip
You woke up in the morning and heard talking from down the hall. You put your ear to the door and listened
' well did you comfort her? '
' yeah I did! '
' Wait really? '
' Yeah! And she called me a big annoying brother! '

' Pfft- '
' Sci-fi. '
' I'm so sorry Engi...heh.. b-but you are kinda like a big annoying brother to her. '
' She's right. Ya are kinda like a brother to her. '
' Yeah! But I'm not annoying! '
' you kinda are. '
' oh zip it, glasses. '

' okay I'm done with this I'm going to wake her up, she's been sleeping way to long. '
You ran back to your bed and hid under the covers.
" hey silly time to wake up."
Sci-fi said, patting your shoulder.

" huh?... what time is it?... "
You said.
" I don't know. "
You groaned and sat up.
You saw Scout and Engi watching through the doorway and waved.
They smiled and waved back.
" Scout told me you had a nightmare? "
You looked at the white haired girl and frowned a bit.
" y-yeah... "
" you wanna talk about it? "
You shook your head and looked at the floor.
" okay mi amiguito. We won't talk about it. Okay? "
You nodded and smiled at her.
Her dark green orbs met your  (e/c) orbs and she smiled. " Well time to start the day, (y/n)!" she said ruffling up your hair. She got up and walked with the other mercs to the Rec room
" Oh! And (y/n)? "
You looked up.
She pointed under your bed.
" I got you something! "
She said and walked away.
You looked under and saw a white bag. You picked it up and opened it. You saw a outfit and picked it up. You ran to your bathroom and slipped it on.

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