Chapter Eighteen

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Jihye POV

Finally, I come back to the old man's house after several weeks. I went out from my car and got into the house, just to see Harin is preparing a lot of food for a lot of people.

"Harin? Why are you preparing a lot of food? Is Dino going to come back here?"

"Yes, with his fiancée." I got stopped by her words. Fiancée?


"Ye- Yes, ma- ma'am." She stuttered.

"His dad just died yesterday, and now he's engaged?! Ridiculous." I said and stormed out from the car, going straight to my car.

I took a deep breath and get my phone from inside my bag. I scroll to my contact and quickly call Wonwoo, my partner-in-crime.

"Wonwoo. You need to know this." I tried to catch up my breath.

"What's wrong with you? Is this important, I have a lot of works to do now." He asks.

"Of course, it's important. Look, Aera's engaged." Before I could mutter any words, Wonwoo shout which making me nearly deaf.


"Of course I'm not, so this is why I'm calling you. I have a plan."

"Tell me now." He said.

"Okay so this is how it'll go. First......" I told him my plan and he chuckled.

"You're really smart, Jihye. It'll work, I guarantee that."

"Duhh, I'm Nam Jihye. So, good luck!"

"You too." He said and I hang up.

I smirk in satisfaction. "Now, prepare for the consequences, Dino."

Mingyu POV

I was focus doing my work until my phone rang. I look at it and it was an unknown number. I doubt to pick it up but I decided to anyway.

"Hello, who's this?" I ask.

"Hii!" I immediately recognise the voice.

"Oh Sofia! Hii! Wait, how do you got my number?" I ask in confusion.

"Of course from your sister teehee!" She said and I giggle.

"Anyway, are you free tonight? I've got 2 tickets to watch a movie at the cinema tonight. It's actually for my friends but she said that she's been in an emergency outstation so she can't go. Would you perhaps, wanna go with me?" She asks and I scream in joy silently.

"I'm free tonight so okay then. I would love to go with you, I mean to go with you to watch the movie." I scoff in embarrassment and she laughs.

"Well see you tonight. Love you. Wait-" She said and hang up.

I blush and smile like an idiot, staring to my phone. I immediately add her number to my contacts.

"Sofia ><"

Aera POV

I've taking a good care of mom at home since Dino ask me to do so and stop my business. At first, I don't agree with him but he tried to assure me again and again until I've admit my defeat.

Mom was sleeping soundly at her room and I decided to watch the TV. Several minutes passed and my phone rang.

"Mr. Dinosaur <3"

I smile and pick it up.

"Hi Dino. What's wrong?"

"Aera, tonight, I want to bring you to a candlelight dinner at one of the famous restaurant ever. Is that okay with you?"

"I would love to but there's no one taking care of mom later."


"He said that tonight he'll go with his friends too." I said and he huff sadly.

"Don't worry, I'll try to ask someone." I said and he cheers.

"Okay then, let me know okay. Goodbye!" He said and hang up.

I find my contacts and decided to call Wonwoo but there was a knock on the door. I rushed towards it and open it widely, revealing Wonwoo with a glasses resting on his nose's bridge and a sweet smile printed on his face.

"Speak of the devil." I thought to myself.

"Wonwoo! How I miss you! Where have you been?" I said and hug him.

"Sorry for not telling you but I've on a vacation for these few days. I heard you're engaged, congratulations!" He hug me back tightly.

We release the hug and he looks at me with his sparkling eyes. Not gonna lie, he looks so hot with a glasses on. I continue to stare at him like a minute, how could I resist him? Omg Kim Aera, come back.

"Are you okay?" He waves his hand in front of me.

"Oh yes! I'm okay. So why did you come here?" I tried to change the topic as fast as I could.

"Oh, I nearly forgot about that. I wanna ask your permission to bring mom shopping tonight. How's that sound?"

"Really? Omg, what a relieve." He furrows his eyebrow, looking at me weirdly.

"Aaaa, of course. I have a plan tonight too so have fun with mom I guess." I laugh awkwardly.

"Okay, love to hear that. Tell her later okay, I need to go now." He said and I hug him, again.

"Bye Wonwoo. Speak to you later." I said and he smiled at me. HE'S SO HANDSOME WTF?!

When he leave my house, I quickly text Dino.

/ Aera : I can go tonight. See you! Love you <3
Dino : Okay then, thank God. Anyway, love you too <333 /

I smiled reading our message and finally taking a shower. Yes, it's 12 fricking afternoon.

I couldn't stop smiling, what wrong with me? Stop it Kim Aera!

Wonwoo POV

When I reach my house, the first thing I took out from my bag is my phone and decided to text Jihye.

/ Wonwoo : Mission accomplished.
Jihye : Nice one, Wonwoo. /

I smirk. "You're stupid, Nam Jihye."

Imperfect Love|Lee ChanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora