Chapter Three

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Dino POV

"Of course, the food is so good here." I said while eating with Jun.

"About your motorcycle, if it had a problem again, just come to my workshop. We fix it again okay." Jun said.

I hummed in response until Jun words make me stopped.


"Hi, Dino." She said.

I tried to hold my anger, "How do you know that I'm here?"

"You asked me? I'm Nam Jihye, Lee Chan. No matter how far you ran from me, I will still be able to find you."

I snapped, "Jun, let's go, I'll pay."

He nodded and we leave or table.

"Dino!! How long you will ran away from me like this?" She said in desperate.

"Until I forgot what did you do to me, Nam Jihye!!" I said, raising my tone a little bit.

"Dino, can't you just forgive me? You lie if you don't have feelings towards me. Just accept the fact that we are destined to live together. One more thing, revenge will not make you happy, Lee Chan." She replied.

"Then, with what you've done to me all this time, what do you think? You have ruined my happiness.

"Dino, I want you. I want the old you, okay? Do you understand? Please." She begged.

"Jihye, Jihye. Stop DREAMING!! I don't even have the slightest desire for a woman like you who lives only to sell your own dignity, to live comfortably while sacrificing other people's happiness, never in my life." I snapped.

"Dino please." She said, trying to hold my hands.

I snapped out and walk away from her while she still shouting at me.

Jihye POV

I hissed in frustration and drove back to my shop, walk straight to my office.

I put my handbag on the table and lean my back to the chair. I tried to hold my anger but I can't.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed and throw some of the file to the floor then proceed to slam my table a few times until red mark visible on my palm.

I huffed and take a deep breath, "I will make sure that you will eat back all your words and kneel before me to apologize, Lee Chan."

"Jihye." Hoshi's voice stopped me.

"Are you okay? Why are all these files on the floor?" He asked me.

"I'm okay." I lied.

"I called you but you didn't answer. I text you but you didn't respond. Actually, I came here to ask you out tonight. Let's go have some fun." He replied.

"Go out? Good idea, I really need it now." I chuckled.

"Okay." He smiled in response.

Aera POV

I sit on my bed, put the book beside me and something suddenly flashed in my mind.


"Dad!! You must see this. I won the competition at the school."

"Really?! Omg, congratulations. Aera is amazing. Good job." He said.

"I want to study hard and then I'll go to Seoul to study further. I want to be a lawyer."

"Our family doesn't have money, Aera. But it's okay. I'll work hard, save money and sent you to the university. And I want all of my children to success. You will be a successful lawyer later."

"Thanks, Dad." I answered.


"Dad, I miss you so much." I thought.

"I will look after mom and Mingyu and help our family. I'm sure, if we had patience, God will help us when the time comes." I mumbled.

Imperfect Love|Lee ChanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum