Chapter One

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Lee Chan or usually known as Dino crouching near a grave, precisely at his mother's grave. Some of the sweet memories with his mom cross into his mind making his eyes getting a little bit teary.

"Chan miss you so much, mom. I hope you're doing good there." I mumbled to myself.

"Whatever the trials and challenges our family goes through, Chan will remain strong, I'll promise. Chan will always remember your message and advice to me. Thanks mom."

Aera POV

I was holding a plate of porridge and a glass of water, walking to my mom's room until I heard a heavy cough from the inside.

"MOM!! Wait a second. Mingyu, hurry up!! Mingyu!! Mom's short in breath." I said, slightly shouting.

"What happen, noona?"

"Call anyone, faster. We need to bring mom to the clinic." I said in worried.

He take out his phone and call someone while me tying to comfort mom.

Soon after that, Wonwoo came and bring us to the clinic. On the way, there was a guy with a motorcycle annoys us so much but we decided to let him go. Mom's health is more important.

"I'm gonna kill this guy, I swear." Wonwoo said.

"Wonwoo, stop joking. Hurry up." I replied.

"Okay okay."

Half of an hour later, we reached our house and help mom to walked inside but she was stopped by the moon that shines beautifully at the black sky.

"Look at that moon. So beautiful."

"Yes mom. So beautiful." Wonwoo said but without mom's knowing, he stared at me with a smile all the time.

I looked at him, "Stop it."

"What?" Mom suddenly asked.

"Oh. Nothing hehe. Thank you Wonwoo." I said.

"Welcome." He replied, giving a 'saranghae' pose.

He smiled and then left with his car afterwards.

Dino POV

I put my motorcycle key on the table and plop my body on the sofa, putting my helmet aside.

I stared at the photo beside me, with my dad, my mom and me. But my dad's face was covered with some black ink, yeah I do that.

"Mom. I really missed you." I thought.

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