Chapter Four

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Mingyu POV

"Wonwoo, I'll go home first, okay?" I said to Wonwoo. Yes I'm working at Wonwoo's store.

"Okay. Mingyu!! Wait a second." He said, standing up from his chair and give me two plastic bags that full of biscuits and other necessities.

"Give this to your.... mom. Yes your mom. Give it to her." He stuttered.

"To mom or Aera noona?" I teased him.

"Your mom. Same goes to her, right? Don't think too much hehe."

"I never said it was wrong though but better you tell the truth to her. Who knows maybe she will accept you?" I giggled.

"It's not that I don't want it but I lack of confidence and bravery. Maybe later." He rubbed the back part of his head.

"Whatever, Wonwoo. Okay I'll go home first."

"Okay. Omg problem!!!" He said once again.

"What now?"

"Please send my reagrds to her." He smiled.

"Okay. No problem." I smiled in response and walked away.

Aera POV

I took a last look at mom's room and walk to the dining table where Mingyu's at.

"Did mom already asleep?" He asked me.

I hummed in response.

"So what do you want to tell me?"

"Okay. I want you to stop working." I said, straight to the point.

"Why so sudden? It's okay Gyu works there, noona. The store is near our house so that I can help mom and you. Why?" He said, looking confused.

"Kim Mingyu, mom's health is getting worse. Understand? That's why I'll ask you to stop working."

"So where did you want me to work? All of the other shops, the salary is too low." He said.

"Noo. I want to open my own stall. Gyu, if we do so, we will have times to spent with mom. Okay?" I asked him.

"Now, if you want to open your own stalls or stop working, it's up to you. But I can't stop working. If I have free time, I will help you, okay." He holds my hand.

I just nodded, "Okay then."

Dino POV

I was on the middle of the road and my phone rang. I stopped my motorcycle at the side of the road and reached my phone on my ripped jeans.

"Helo, Vernon."

"Dino, where are you?" My best friend, Vernon asked.

"On the way. See you there." I said.

"Don't be late I tell you. If there anything happens, call me."

"Okay okay. Bye." I hang up.

"I'm on my way. What's his problem? No patience at all." I mumbled.

Aera POV

"Mingyu, this is the list of things that you have to buy."

"Okay." He said.

"One more thing, please save the money, buy only the cheap things." I pouted.

"Okay, I'll buy whichever is enough." He said and put the money inside his pocket.

"Oh and be careful when riding the motorcycle." I remided him.

"Noona, this is Kim Mingyu. The best rider in Korea."

"Stop it please. Go go!! Faster." I said, probably disgusted hehe.

Dino POV

I look at my surroundings while I ride my motorcycle, it was so beautiful. When I looked back in front and ready to turn at the right junction, suddenly a motorcycle turned to the left aka where I am.

I was shocked and we got into an accident. He fell off from his motorcycle and hurt his elbow while I got thrown out from my motorcycle and it was destroyed.


"I'm really sorry. I didn't see you earlier." He stuttered.

"What don't you see? You know that motorcycle? The spare parts? It's expensive!! Now, you know who would take the responsibility?! It's you, follow me to the police station." I said.

"Wait wait. Wait for my sister to come, we'll finish this." He said with a shaky tone.

"For what? Tell your sister to meet me at the station. I want you to take responsibility for what you did." I said.

Aera POV

My phone rang and it was Mingyu.

"Gyu. Why?" I asked.

"I got into an accident." He said.

I trned my head to mom and smiled. I took a few steps far away from her.

"Where?" I whisper.

"I was at the side of this junction, near the store. Noona, please be hurry. That guy tell me that he will sent me to the police."

I sighed hard, "Okay you wait there. I'll coming."

I hang up and excuses myself to mom. I quickly walked to the nearest police station until I reached there and I heard someone's voice.

"A village boy like you is a bastard."

I snapped out and walk towards Mingyu and the guy.

"Helo!! What did you say? What did you say to him? You call him bastard, right? Watch your mouth, please. You think I can't hear it?" I snapped out.

"Wait wait. Yahh yahh. Who are you?"

I scoff, "I'm Kim Aera, his sister. Why? Is there a problem?"

"That's good, your sister has arrived. Follow me to meet my lawyer to pay this motorcycle compensation." He said.

"Wait wait. Why do we need a lawyer here? It's a small matter. And who are you?"

"Small matter? You must be crazy. I'm Lee Chan or Dino."

"Oh. Now I know why. Getting so mad like this, just like a dinosaur." I whispers.

"What did you say? Now I know why too. His sister is also a bastard, same to her brother. Typical siblings." He frowned.

Mingyu look in horror, knowing that Dino's future will not be the same again.

And that's right. I was so angry by his words and without me knowing, I kick him hard on the 'middle'.

He instantly kneel to me, well that's better.

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