Chapter 13: A Shocking Discovery

Start from the beginning

"Mike, Gonzalez, how can all of you be so relaxed about this situation?!"

"Oh you see this thing sorta happens all the time where we are from"

"It will be fine Piña. It will be over soon" Jim said.

Then it suddenly stopped....

Piña and Hamilton were still freaking out on what had happened.

Piña and Hamilton were still freaking out on what had happened

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"Looks like you should understand these Earthquakes more. Listen when we go to my world, I can help you understand them more, and what to do in these situations."

Mike asked all of the troops to see if everyone is okay, while he asked his Marines for a status update, as well as a damaged report.

"Well after an Earthquake that size, there is going to be some aftershocks." Jim told the Princess, shocking her from this infromation.

"You mean another one is coming?!"

"Well there not as bad as the first one." Jim said.

"It really depends though." Mike said.

"I'm going to inform my father about this. Get into your street clothes."

Piña then rushed over but looked behind to see Mike and the rest are in stationary.

"Wait aren't you coming?"

"Um... Well no, your father is the emperor. Do you expect us to meet him?"

"Liutenant Ramirez we should. He's pretty much the key member of this war. So we might have the chance to meet him as well. Like Sun Zu said, Know thy enemy." Jim said to the Liutenant.

Piña begged Mike and Gonzalez to come.

They are still horrified by the events going on. In the end, Mike accepted it but Gonzalez returned to the outpost to check it's condition.


They arrived at the Capital with torches lit up.

They can see soldiers being frightened by what's going on so they are too scared to care.

Mike, Millie, Foley and Jim were being escorted by Piña.

They were amazed with the interior design of the Castle.

Piña informed her father about the newly visitors going to be arriving, she then ordered people to clean up and inform all ministers and senators.

"My my we got visitors. You mind telling your names?"

"Yes this is Patrick Jim, Jim is the American emissary."

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