Chapter Twenty-Six

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~♤Aces PoV♤~

What the fuck!? Why would he say that? That was totally uncalled for! The silence from the beach to the house was awful but what's worse was that I was trying not to yell the whole time. I felt sick. And kind of guilty. I know Mason probably does like me but what am I supposed to do about it?? Jeez I'm getting way too worked up. I sat down on my bed with my head in my hands. I hate it here.

I paused, thinking about my reaction. Now I just felt shitty because I sounded so selfish. Now all I could think about was Mason. I can't even imagine what he likes about me. I'm so... unlikable. I'm gross and an asshole and selfish. Fuck I just keep going.

My phone buzzed on my desk. I didn't want to get up to get it but it kept going off. I got up and stumbled to the desk. "Yes what?" I mumbled, sitting down again.

"Don't be too excited Ace, you might just die." Eli laughed. I was happy to hear his voice but I wasn't in such a chatty mood at the moment. "What do you want? I'm busy." I picked at my skin.

"We need to hang out soon. And I mean it. It's been way too long. Even if you say no I'll drag you with me somewhere." I didn't doubt that he'd actually do that. As much as I didn't want to talk to people, I also didn't want to stay holed up in this house all day, avoiding Mason. I'd rather avoid him by leaving altogether. That's at least a little bit better, right?

"Fine. I need to get out of the house anyway." I sighed. "Can you do today?"

"What's wrong Ace? Trouble in paradise?" He laughed again. I grimaced at the reminder of the current situation. "But sure. I can go out today. Let's go to the movies!"

The movies didn't sound too bad. Now I just had to get out of the house with minimal human interaction. Eli hung up and I put on the usual black hoodie and jeans along with a backpack. Next was preparing what I was gonna say. Eh, I could improvise. And finally, actually leaving. I walked outside of my room as quietly as I could, hopeful that Mason wasn't in the living room and even more hopeful that he wasn't even here. Of course hope got me nowhere. Mason was sitting at the table on his laptop. I tried walking carefully like if I was quiet enough he wouldn't see me. I'm an idiot, I know.

"Ace!" He perked up and tilted his screen down, focusing all his attention on me. I felt sick again. "Wh- um, what are you doing? Are you okay?" I knew he was actually concerned about me but man I couldn't handle that look. It was too kind.

"Oh. Yeah. I'm fine. I'm going to go out for a bit. Watch a movie. That type of stuff, y'know? With Eli. Because it'll be fun." Okay, improvising might not have been a good idea. I sounded like a fucking robot. He stared at me with a weird look on his face before nodding slowly. "Hey, if you want to talk or anything I'm here-" I cut him off and went straight for the door.

"Okay I got it! Thanks bye!"

Well that was a disaster. At least it was over. I might have to stay the night at Eli's place. It would just be easier. I walked to the theater nearby and listened to some music. It helped a bit with my thoughts but I don't think I'll be able to stop thinking about everything for a while.

"Ace! How are you doing?" Eli walked up to me and gave me a hug. I felt almost relieved at his warmth. Stress had really been getting to me.

"I'm okay I guess." I shrugged. I was obviously lying but who actually tells the truth with that question?

"I don't like that look. Did something happen?"

Damn his intuition. I wanted to go off about Mason but I was too tired. "Nah, nothing much. Let's just watch a movie and not think about life." He gave me a wary look but didn't say anything. I didn't know what movie we were watching since Eli just told me I'd like it. We were early enough to watch the previews so we started talking. Of course Eli went straight to me and Mason.

"Okay what's the deal?" He turned to me with a serious expression, "I know something's wrong. You can talk to me, you know that."

"Ugh I know. It's just weird personal shit. It'll be fine, I only have to figure out what to do." Even though I didn't want to think about it, I probably should. I can't avoid Mason forever. I don't want to avoid him. It's like I'm in relationship limbo. I don't know if we can be friends and I don't know if we can be dating.

"Well if you want to talk or get my advice you can. I'm more than happy to help." He smiled. It's pretty clear that friends weren't a big thing for me in the past so having someone like Eli made me really grateful.

"Thank you Eli. I really appreciate that." I'd probably end up telling Eli what was going on, especially if it affects me and Mason's relationship, but for now I just wanted to watch a movie.

The movie was surprisingly cheesy, being recommended by Eli. I was expecting something more action packed or hot. On top of that it had romance in it because of course it did. It did distract me though so I guess it was semi successful. The issue was that I was thinking about it even more than before.

Eli and I walked out of the theater and talked as we got to his car. "Hey, do you want to stay the night at my place? Just in case it'd help with your issue."

"Eli, you're amazing. That would be great, thank you." The whole way there we chatted about a lot of things. I was surprised he didn't ask about Mason but he probably knew what was happening had something to do with him. I wanted to hug Eli for his empathy towards me. He's such a good friend. It kind of puzzled me why he bothers with me. I probably think I'm way more annoying than I am. Either that or they don't mind being friends with a dick.

"I'm home! I hope none of you are having sex because I won't leave for that!" Eli shouted into the apartment as we walked in. I couldn't help but laugh. I loved the vibe Eli and his roommates gave off. They always entertained me.

"Is Cameron here?" I asked. The second I finished the sentence, he walked into the kitchen.

"Oh. It's you." He didn't give me much of an expression.

"You remember me? I'll take that as a good sign." I know I said I would never date him but that doesn't mean I can't flirt for fun. "I'd ask if you were single but it's a fifty-fifty chance I'll be heartbroken." I sighed dramatically. Cameron gave me a questioning look with a hint of a smile. "Whatever." He shook his head and walked back to his room.

"Are you really going to flirt with my roommate?" Eli scoffed in disbelief and laughed.

I shrugged. "What? It's not like anything's actually going to happen." I followed him to his room. We sat on his bed in silence for a minute. As much as I didn't want to talk earlier, the quiet was really getting to me. I didn't want to be left alone with my thoughts even if someone was there.

"So... you want to get something to drink?" Eli asked with a mischievous smile. I really wanted to but I knew it wasn't a good idea. I started to explain but he cut me off, "don't worry Ace, I was just kidding. Mason would probably kill me if I let you drink. Especially if I encouraged it."

I faltered. I didn't even realize that he was thinking about Mason. I wasn't even thinking about Mason. Well, I guess I was because I totally would've taken Eli up on the offer a few months ago. My stomach ached when I thought about how it was all because of Mason that I've started getting my life together. Emphasis on started but I'm getting there.

"Okay. Do you want to talk about it? I know it has to do with Mason, you're not that hard to read." Eli crossed his arms.

"I do want to, just not right now." I said carefully. I didn't know how Eli would react. Whether he was fed up with the weird state I was in or if he wanted to help.

"Alright, that's fine." He nodded. "Do you want to watch some crappy reality shows then?" I smiled and said okay. Friends, real genuine friends, are really weird but kind of amazing. He turned on the TV at the end of his bed and  patted beside him. I scooted over before remembering I didn't tell Mason I was staying over. I would've loved to ignore it and deal with the consequences later, but I knew I shouldn't. I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a text from him from a few minutes ago. It just said "Are you okay?" I could feel the tension in it. Knowing Mason he probably debated sending about ten different versions of that same message. I smiled a little at the thought and sent back that I was staying over at Eli's.

Not much time passed before I started feeling tired. What an absolute rollercoaster. I didn't do much and I kind of felt shitty about it but I knew the next few days would probably wear me out even more. It'll be okay though. I can deal with it. I hope.

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