Chapter Three

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~♤Masons PoV♤~

It's only been three days since Ace's interview and he's been getting more and more worried and depressed. I tried to cheer him up, but he just brushed me off.

I yawned and turned off my chirping alarm clock. I got up to make some breakfast and get mentally ready for Ace's moping. Instead of him sleeping halfway falling off his bed, his room was empty. I searched around the house to find him at the front door.

"Hey Ace. What are you doing up so early?" I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

He turned around and stared at me with wide eyes. "I-I..." he stuttered.

"What is it? Spit it out."

"I got the job." Ace looked exasperated.

We were silent for a minute. I laughed, "that's great! I told you to stop being so pessimistic!" I patted him on the back. He seemed hesitant, but gave me a smile. I think that's the first time he gave me a genuinely happy smile.

"So when do you start?" I beamed at him.

"In a week. I don't think I'll be able to wait." Ace sighed, "please tell me this isn't a dream."

I pinched his arm to which he yelped. "It's not a dream." I laughed.

"Why are you so shocked you got the job?" I asked as we made our way to the kitchen for some breakfast.

"I'm not good with people. Or jobs. Or well, anything really."

I got out some eggs and started to make something for us both. I stopped for a second to smile at him. "I'm sure you're good at something."

"Yeah... I guess I am pretty good at sucking dick."

I sputtered and dropped the egg I was holding. I stared at him, my face obviously pink.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow, "why do you look so embarrassed? Wait. Don't tell me. Are you a virgin?"

"No! I'm not a- I'm not a virgin! I just wasn't expecting you to say something so vulgar out of nowhere." I cleared my throat and got some paper towels to clean up the egg I dropped.

"What did you expect? For me to say, oh yeah I guess you're right, I'm good at blah blah whatever. I'm a young, depressed, flamboyant gay. Expect the unexpected bitch."

I snorted at his attitude. "I think the news of getting a job has boosted your ego." I said as I plated our food. Ace shrugged and responded with a maybe.

I was glad Ace got the job. Now he can start building a life for himself and go off to do good things. I could tell he would accomplish big things. The only thing I was worried about was his attitude. As much as we have been together, I still don't have a solid grasp on his mindset. I definitely didn't know how working in a coffee shop of all places would go. I can't imagine Ace resisting the urge to snap at snooty customers. I'm sure this won't be an issue though. Ace can manage himself enough to handle working.

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