Chapter Five

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~♤Aces PoV♤~

I woke up with an awful headache. I blinked and let my eyes focus. I was in my room at Mason's house. What the hell happened? Everything was a blur. I couldn't think, it made my head hurt.

I stumbled out of my room and made my way to the kitchen. Mason sat at the table. He looked like he was reading a magazine or something. I bumped into some things which caught his attention. The second he saw me his eyes narrowed and he frowned at me.

"What happened?" I mumbled.

"Well, after making a scene at the coffee shop, you went to a bar down the street from it and got completely wasted. Your friend Eli helped get you back here." Mason said simply before turning back to his magazine.

I murmured an oh and went to the cabinet to find some aspirin. The silence in the room was awful. I swallowed thickly, worried even a small sound would set him off. For a soft guy, Mason could be really terrifying.

"Um," I cleared my throat, "I-"

"I don't want to hear it." Mason said harshly.

I felt anger boil in my stomach. What an asshole! Here I was going to apologize and he just cut me off! "Don't talk to me that way! I was going to apologize!" I growled.

"You should be apologizing to that lady and everyone you bothered when you couldn't control yourself!" He stood up and walked to me. I was outraged by his attitude. It's not my fault that lady was such a bitch. I can't control what I do or say. That's just the way life goes for me. Like I said, free spirit.

"No! I don't have to apologize to anyone. That woman needed to be told the world doesn't revolve around her or she would never learn." I huffed.

"You are such a child! You'll never be able to live in the real world if you keep acting this way. You need to get serious."

I scoffed, "you know what? Fuck you. I was doing great before you came along. I don't need your useless insults." I stormed to my room and grabbed my bag before leaving. Mason didn't try to stop me.

I walked until I got to the bar we met at. I stared down that alleyway with a scowl. Dumb idiot. What a jerk. I started to walk past, but bumped into someone. "Oh sorry-" I started.

"Ace? Oh my gosh what a coincidence!" I recognized that cheery voice.

"Eli! Wow, I'm embarrassed." I laughed awkwardly, remembering the rant I went on at the cafe and that Eli was there for the whole thing.

"About yesterday? No way! I thought it was so cool of you. I don't know many people who could do that. What are you doing here?" He looked at me with big, bright eyes.

"Oh uh I kind of ran away." I mumbled.

"Ohh was Mason mad at you? He seemed pretty upset when I explained what happened." Eli gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah... wait what!? You know Mason?"

"Sure I know him. We've known each other for a while. But anyways, if you're not staying at his place do you need somewhere to stay? You can hang out at my place. It's a nice place with my two roommates. I'm sure you'd fit in great!" Eli grinned at me. I smiled gently and said, "thanks for the offer, but I'll work it out. I'll call you if I ever need somewhere to stay though." I didn't want to be a burden on anyone anymore. Obviously he wouldn't see it that way, but really who does when you say you're a burden? We parted ways and I kept walking on until I found a makeshift cardboard shelter in an alley. Aside from some garbage, it was deserted. I put my bag down and sat under the roof of it. I hoped no one would come up to me. I really don't want to talk to anyone.

I fell asleep thinking about Mason and our argument. I was pissed off at his attitude, acting like he was better than me and knew everything. I brushed it off and decided to get some sleep.

Ace of Spades (BxB)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin