Chapter Fourteen

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~♤Masons PoV♤~

I was honestly excited that Ace seemed to enjoy cgl these past few days. He still wasn't completely comfortable around me, which I understood, but I was worried it had something to do with him not wanting to open up. If Ace never talks about his feelings he's going to have a lot of build up of emotions.

"Hey Ace. I haven't heard you tell me how you feel in a while." I couldn't help but smile when I saw him on his phone with his frog stuffie. I learned that the frog's name was Bean when I heard Ace talking to him in his room. It was kind of adorable seeing him act like that.

"I don't know. I'm fine I guess." He gave me a weird look. I shot back my own "really?" Look and cross my arms. Ace sighed and sat up, holding Bean to his chest, "It's weird. I don't know how to describe it."

I sat on the bed and grabbed a blanket. "Oh god, Mason, not this again." Ace groaned. I held up the blanket and waited. He sighed dramatically and sat against my chest so I could wrap him up. "This isn't helping." He grumbled.

"You're weird. And embarrassing. And touchy. It's gross." Ace scowled.

"Yeah?" I laughed.

"I'm serious you dick."

"Language." I squeezed him. It was obvious he wasn't used to any sort of care like this. I also knew there was stuff he hadn't told me. I wanted Ace to confide in me and get it off his chest because I was positive he has never talked about it.

"You're not used to this stuff, right?" He shook his head. "There's a reason why. Yeah?" Ace paused before murmuring a yes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I said softly.

"No." I could feel him tense against me. My heart ached at the reaction.

"Okay. You don't have to."

"At least... not right now." Ace relaxed slowly. I was happy he said that. Hopefully in the future he'll be comfortable enough to tell me. I turned him to me and kissed his head. He blushed and slapped the place I kissed.

"What the hell was that!?"

"Shh, it was just for comfort. If you don't like it I won't do it."

"I didn't say I hated it. Do whatever you want." He had this cute half smile half pout. He seemed like he felt awkward so I pulled the blanket over his head.

"Oi!" I laughed as he glared at me, but he eventually broke and started laughing too. It felt good to see Ace smile since I'm so used to seeing a blank expression or a scowl.

"I'm going to make lunch. I'll call you when it's done, okay?"

Ace nodded and I left to make food. It didn't take long to make a few baloney sandwiches with apple juice.

I was worried that I was pushing this on Ace too much, like he was humoring me but the further I go, the more he'll drift away. I can barely read him and it's messing with me. There's been a few times where it seemed like Ace was slipping into little space, but he snapped out of it immediately. I know I can't rush anything, but I want to see him smile every day instead of glowering. It sucks to see a friend like that, I mean.

I went by his room to tell him lunch was ready and saw Ace on his bed coloring. It was like all my uneasiness melted away seeing him coloring on his own. When I put it like that it sounds weird, but I don't think I've ever seen him do something like that without me suggesting it. I knocked gently on the door and said softly, "lunch is ready Ace."

We sat at the counter and I kept glancing at Ace who was nibbling on the sandwiches with a hazy look in his eyes. He got mustard on his cheek and I wiped it off with a chuckle. When he normally would have told me off, Ace just went back to eating. I had so much hope he was able to relax enough to get into the headspace.

"How are you doing?"

"Good." He smiled.

"Yeah? What are you gonna do after you finish eating?"

He shrugged and took another bite of his sandwich.

"How about we watch something? A movie maybe?"

"M'kay." He grinned. We moved to the couch and Ace sat right beside me. I just picked a Disney movie and he didn't complain. About half of the way through it he leaned against me fast asleep. I turned it off and carefully took Ace to his bed. He started to wake up and, being in caregiver mode, I quickly took one of the pacifiers in his drawer and put it in his mouth. I then realized he probably wouldn't have been happy with that if he was more awake, but it's too late now. And there's the fact that he fell asleep at 2 pm. Ah well, I'll deal with unhappy Ace later, for now I can't bring myself to wake him up. I gave him his frog and watched as he snuggled up with it.

Maybe our talk before lunch made him feel better so it was easy to slip. It was like he really needed to be told that what he feels is okay, which makes a lot of sense considering he was criticized and kicked out of his own house for being who he was. As much as he pretends he doesn't care I'm sure Ace thinks about it a lot.

I cleaned up lunch and tidied up around the house. I've always liked the idea of being a sort of housewife. Of course I provide for myself and I'm more than happy doing so, I just like the idea of taking care of other people and a house.

"Mason!!!" Ace screeched from down the hall. He stormed out of his room looking pissed. "Why the hell did you let me fall asleep!! It's almost 4!!"

"Sorry, I couldn't wake you up, you looked so peaceful. You seemed like you were happy today."

"Well, what do you expect? It's your fault I was like that." He fumbled with the end of his shirt.

"I'm taking that as a compliment. I can try to stay up with you if you want."

"Okay. I'm still mad though." We sat on the couch for a while watching some trashy drama show. My drowsiness caught up to me and I was falling asleep to the buzz of the TV. Times like today made me so happy. I wish we could have this every day.

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