Chapter One

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~♤Masons PoV♤~

I looked around the club and spotted a suspicious guy by the bar. He wasn't suspicious like dangerous suspicious, he just looked too young to be in here. I made my way over to him and he sat up when he spotted me.

"Hey there. You look a little young to be in here." I said casually. He had chestnut colored hair, blue eyes, and an attractive face. He was wearing mostly black clothes and had a black cross chain piercing in his right ear. He looked pretty edgy.

The boy rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink. I furrowed my eyebrows. I just politely commented that and he's being rude. I brushed it off. "Could I see your ID?" I smiled slightly.

"I already showed it to the bouncer at the entrance and the barkeep. What's your problem?" He sneered.

I dropped my nice guy front. I wasn't going to waste my energy on him. "Well, it won't take much of your time. I'm sure it is not going to be a major inconvenience for you. It's routine to check these things."

The boy exhaled harshly and dug out his wallet, shoving his ID at me. It said his name was Ace Phillips and that he was 21. If he really was, I'd be surprised.

"So what year were you born?" I raised an eyebrow questioningly. Ace looked down and murmured, "19... uh," he went silent.

"Mmhm. So how old are you really?"

Ace growled, "19. Why can't you get off my ass and leave me alone?"

"Because it's my job. Come on." I pulled him out to the alley beside the bar. Ace looked like he was going to bite my head off, but I didn't give him a reaction. He huffed and walked down toward the street but stopped and sat on the ground. Ace buried his face in his arms. I was about to go in, but a part of me told me not to.

I walked over to him and asked, "why aren't you going home?"

Ace glared up at me. "Why do you think? It's because I don't have one."

"What? Why don't you?" I crouched down in front of him.

"My parents threw me out because I'm gay." He looked away from me, hatred and hurt in his eyes. "I'm really sorry that happened." I started, but he cut me off. "Whatever. I don't care. I've survived this long without them and I'll keep surviving."

I could honestly understand what Ace was going through. As a gay man myself, I've experienced discrimination a lot. Sometimes from my own family. Just then, an idea popped into my head. "Hey, why don't you stay at my place for a while. Could be just a day or a few weeks."

Ace looked shocked, "why would you offer that? We just met. I could end up robbing or killing you or something." I laughed and said, "I know what you're going through. I want to help you."

He averted his gaze and thought for a second.

"Okay. Thanks."

I got up and walked to the door. "Wait here until I get off work. I'm getting off in a few minutes then I'll drive you there. Don't go back inside." I said the last part firmly. Ace rolled his eyes again, but nodded.

I finished my shift and went back to the alley. I was relieved Ace was still there. He was staring at his phone with a blank expression. He glanced up and saw me, stuffing his phone in his pocket before standing up. It was almost 12 in the morning. I was a little surprised he seemed wide awake. I nodded down the alley towards the parking lot and Ace followed me to my car. We got into my car and I noticed a small black bag I apparently didn't see with him. I assumed it had the usual stuff like a phone charger, maybe earbuds, and other things he would use on the move. I lived close to the bar so it only took a few minutes to get to my house.

It was a small place, but I loved it. It has been my house for a few years now and I'm glad I got it. I led Ace inside and he looked around like he was bored. I wondered what it would take to get him to show some emotion.

"This is the guest room. You can stay here. All the sheets and stuff are washed so you don't have to worry-"

"I don't care if you covered them in dirt." Ace sat on the bed and flopped on his back, sighing deeply. I brushed off his blatant rudeness.

"The bathroom is down the hall if you want to take a shower, but you might want to sleep for now. It's pretty late." I got out some extra blankets and some spare pajamas I had tucked in a dresser drawer. "Change into these. I can wash your clothes for you."

Ace stripped off his shirt. I don't know how long he went without proper human contact, but I think I might need to re-teach him manners. I spotted some barely visible scars across his back and arms. I frowned at his sudden movement to hide them. Before I could ask about it Ace snatched the pajamas and said, "I'm going to change. Can you please get out?" He kept his eyes glued to the floor.

I let him change and threw his shirt into the washing machine before getting ready for bed myself. I saw the rest of his clothes outside of his closed door. I figured I'd let him rest for now and not get up in his business. Ace clearly didn't want to talk about it. I put the rest of his clothes in the wash too and decided to go to sleep.

Ace of Spades (BxB)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ