Chapter Two

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~♤Aces PoV♤~

I woke up to the sun beaming in my face. I groaned and threw the covers over my face. I was never a fan of mornings. I was about to fall asleep, but smelled the amazing scent of bacon. I reluctantly got up and dragged myself to the kitchen.

"Ah, good morning. I'm making breakfast." The guy said. I didn't even ask what his name was because I was too pissed off to care. As much as I appreciated him letting me stay over, he still fucked up my alcohol relaxation time and that really set me off. He set a plate in front of me with eggs, bacon, and some toast. A generic breakfast, but I was so happy to see it. It has been ages since I had a good breakfast.

"Um... thank you for all this..." I murmured. I've never been good at thanking people.

"Mason," he held out his hand and I shook it, "and no problem. I'm happy I can help." I ate quickly and sighed.

"It's been forever since I've eaten good food like this." I groaned. Mason laughed, "you're welcome."

I helped clean up and he gave me my clothes I had on yesterday.

"I was thinking," Mason started, "we should get you a job. Have you start on getting some support." He smiled softly. I swallowed anxiously. I've had a few jobs before and they didn't really turn out well. I'd like to say I'm a free soul. Or as my employers would put it, "an immature and irresponsible demon who needs to get the fuck out of this establishment." Those were fun times.

"I don't know about that. I don't have the best history with jobs. Or doing things." I said.

"Well that's what I'm here for. I'll help you get some stuff together." I sighed and thought for a moment. I don't know if I'm ready for all this. I was doing alright living by myself and just getting by. Of course, I'm always grateful to people who help support me or lend me a place to stay or food and whatnot. I just didn't want to do all that myself. If I wasn't good at working before, what could possibly make me good at it?

"Just think about it, okay? We definitely don't have to do it soon. I know it's a lot to take in."

I gave him a short smile, "yeah. I will think about it."

It's been a few days and things have been calm. I'm not used to calm. I felt an itching urge to act up. I sat up from the couch and got some things before heading out to Mason's small backyard. I folded one of the pieces of paper I grabbed so it stood up. Once it could, I picked up the lighter and lit the top of it. The paper quickly caught fire and the flames ate it's way down. It burnt out so I went to get another paper.

"What are you doing?" I heard Mason ask.

"Nothing. Just curing some boredom." I mumbled deadpan as I lit another piece of paper on fire.

"What the hell!!??" Mason ran inside and back out, pouring water on the burning material. "You cannot burn things!! I don't care if you're bored! What if the house caught on fire!?" He shouted.

"It wouldn't be a big deal. At least 20% of activities I'm involved in end up with something burning." I shrugged. Mason looked at me like I was insane. "Well yeah, that would make sense!! You're literally setting things on fire!!"

"Okay, okay, I won't do it again, just stop yelling! Fucking hell." I walked past him to get inside.

"Alright that's it," Mason followed me, "you are getting a job. I will help get your resume together and get you an interview. Promise you'll actually try." He said sternly.

I sighed and nodded. This was going to be a long night.

It took almost a full day to deal with just my resume, another day to find and apply to places, and almost a week to get a response and an interview. This is the most organized I've been in months so yay me. Even though most of this was thanks to him. Mason lent me a suit and didn't hesitate to laugh when I put it on. It's not my fault I'm smaller than him! He drove me to my interview at some coffee shop. I was jittery with anxiety. Human interactions aren't my strong suit. Cats? Totally. Humans? Hell no.

"I'll wait for you out here. Good luck!" Mason grinned at me. I walked into the shop and went to the back.

"Hello, my name is Luke. Please have a seat." I sat down and watched Luke do the same. He was about the same height as me with brown hair and grey eyes. He smiled warmly and we started the interview. He kept writing things down during it and even though I knew it was normal it still made me nervous. I stumbled on some questions and had to think on others but overall I thought I did okay. At least until Luke interrupted me and said, "I think that's all. You can go ahead and leave. We will contact you about the position in less than a week's time. Thank you for coming."

His face didn't have any tells of what he was thinking so I assumed the worst and left.

"How did it go?" Mason asked as soon as I got in the car.

"I don't think he liked me. I'm probably not going to get the job." I stared out the window and Mason started the car. "Come on, don't be so pessimistic! Just because he might not like you doesn't mean you won't get the job!"

I couldn't help but feel down. What Mason was saying was probably true, but I just couldn't believe that. I've never held up a job for long. It's better if I didn't even get a chance to fuck up.

Ace of Spades (BxB)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin