Chapter Four

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~♤Aces PoV♤~

Today is the third day of my new job. Well, technically this is still apart of the dumb training days, but sill. I'm actually nervous about today. Normally I'd not give a shit and go in like I'm the boss, but I honestly don't want to look like a dumbass and get fired within three days. Plus, I didn't want to be a burden on Mason. I knew he was hopeful I could start my life up and whatever. I want to get out of his house ASAP so I'm not bothering him anymore. The faster I get out of his life the faster I can go back to being a useless piece of garbage. It's not like it was bothering me that I was doing things like getting this job, I just didn't want to lose it and have Mason be disappointed.

So that's my new goal. Make Mason think I'm okay and ready to make a life for myself.

For the first three hours my instructor, Eli, went over the basics of cleaning tools and the workspace, how to make drinks, and other stuff. I was paying attention most of the time so I'm sure there won't be any problems. Eli told me that for today and maybe the next few days I'd be in the back cleaning things and basically being the janitor. I nodded, but I honestly didn't care about what he was saying.

Eli was about an inch shorter than me and had blonde hair and green eyes. He was skinny and had barely noticeable freckles on his face. I thought he was kind of cute. Maybe we could get together at some point. Have some fun if you know what I mean. Anyways, that was the end of the tutorial so Eli left to stand at the register.

"So how long you been working here?" I leaned on the wall.

"A few months. Working here is fun. I'm sure you'll like it here." He smiled at me. God he is so pure. Maybe he's different in the bedroom. Jeez focus Ace!

"Mm. I'm glad I got the job and was able to meet you." I winked at him.

"Aww thanks! We should get to know each other since we're working together!"

"Definitely." I grinned.

"How was your day?" Mason asked eagerly.

"It was fine. I hung out with this guy named Eli who was training me how to do shit. I think he's a few years older than me. He seems pretty cool." I shrugged. I talked with Eli for a bit and he has a cheery attitude. Almost all the things he talks about he says with a smile on his face. I don't understand how a human can seem that cheerful, but looking at Mason after I told him that I think it isn't that uncommon.

"Really? That's great to hear! And again, congrats on getting the job. I'm positive you're going to do well."


I'm surprised how quickly a week went by. I was glad that my job is pretty easy. I've mainly been doing maintenance work like mopping and cleaning stuff, nothing big. The last few days I've been subbing in for other people at the cashier and taking orders. It's not that bad when you get nice people. I'm sure making the drinks is the highest level you can get to when working here aside from manager positions and such, but I'm plenty satisfied doing the dirty work out front. Plus, I'm probably not gonna be here long enough to get a manager position. So I guess my next goal is drink maker. Not sure how that will turn out. I've been told not to go around blenders or at least people should stay away from me if I have anything remotely sharp.

I think I've started to realize how shitty working at a coffee place is. There are so many more shitty people getting coffee than McDonalds. At least the places I worked at. Some woman yelled at me for there being less than a centimeter of foam on it. I brushed it off because I was actually in a good mood and I wasn't going to let some Karen mess that up. However, after working here for almost two weeks it feels like the absurdity of complaints have gotten worse. I was already in a crappy mood and when some bitchy 40 year old woman came up to the counter gripping her cup with a scowl on her face I knew it was going to get worse.

"Excuse me, I ordered a Hot green tea. This is cold. I demand a refund and a new drink." She slammed the cup on the counter.

"Do you have your receipt?" I droned with a smile.

She slapped the receipt on the counter. I looked at it and it said cold green tea on the order. I sighed and said, "well I'm not sure if you misspoke or if someone got your order wrong, but it says you ordered a cold tea."

"How dare you say I am at fault here!? Let me speak to your manager!!" Karen screeched at me.

I twitched and breathed to keep myself from blowing up. "Give me a moment please." I went to go get Luke, but paused as I heard her say, "I have work to get to. You degenerates stand around doing nothing. I can't believe this."

That was the last straw. I whipped around to face her. "You know what lady," I pointed at her, "this is work. I don't give a shit where you get paid, but I'm the reason you get your fucking tea so treat me with respect. I could pour this tea that you ordered all over you and I wouldn't give a shit. Next time you get your drink you better act like it's being served to you by the goddamn Queen of England because they deserve your respect if they put up with your bullshit!!" I yelled. I tore off the apron I was wearing and stomped out of the shop. I let out a loud groan and started walking down the street. I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't care.

I passed by a bar and paused. It was way too early to get a drink, but to be honest I didn't care about that either. Fuck it.

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