Chapter Seventeen

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~♤Masons PoV♤~

Ace hasn't gotten up yet and it's almost 10. I didn't know if he stayed up late doing something or if it was just because it was the weekend but I knew I had to get him up soon.

I went into Ace's room and opened the curtains.

"Rise and shine Ace!"

He woke up and groaned, "oh god, Mason-" Ace covered his face with his hands, "close the blinds, fuck." He rolled over onto his stomach and mumbled something into the pillow.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"Trying to suffocate myself." He said before burying his face in the pillow again.

"It's already late, you have to get up! Come on." I poked him and he growled.

"You wake up at the crack-ass of dawn. You don't get to say what's late. Plus, it's Sunday, let me sleep in."

"If you don't get up I won't hesitate to tickle you." I creeped closer but he shot out of bed and backed away from me.

"Okay, okay! I'm awake! Don't you dare touch me." Ace got up and rummaged through his closet. He pulled off his shirt to put on another one and I saw those faint marks again. Before I could stop myself I blurted, "what happened?"

He looked back at me in confusion, then to his shoulders. "Oh. These."

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." I mentally kicked myself for saying something so insensitive.

"What? No, it's fine."

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" Ace cut me off with a sigh.

"These scars are on me and I say it's not a big deal. You can ask whatever I don't care." He pulled on a blue shirt with a hood on it then leaned against the wall. We stood there in silence for a painful few minutes before he broke the silence.

"They're from my dad. He didn't like me much even before he found out I was gay and neither did my mom. I guess when I was outed then it was a more acceptable reason to kick me out rather than me just being a disappointment."

"Ace... I'm sorry." My heart hurt at his words. Ace doesn't deserve that. No one deserves that.

He shrugged, "eh. It doesn't bother me anymore. That asshole is gonna get what comes around and he deserves it." I knew he was lying by the bitterness in his face. I couldn't imagine how it would be holding onto that for so long.

"What about your mother?" I asked gently. It wasn't like I was trying to pry information out of him, I just wanted him to let go of it a little. Maybe talking about it would help.

He let out a sharp laugh and said, "she's as bad as him. She can choke for all I care."


"Okay okay!" Ace put his hands up like he was surrendering, "she can get hit by karma or something."

"That's not much better but okay." I sat down on his bed. "What else?"

"What do you mean, what else?"

"What else happened?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and picked at his hands. He didn't say anything for long enough that I was only hearing my heartbeat. He opened his mouth then closed it. Ace shuffled over to the bed and sat down, his back facing me.

"I... I used to have a, uh, I was in a relationship when I got outed."

"What??" I wasn't expecting that at all from Ace. Ace the relationships are bs all you need is sex Ace.

"Yeah, I get it. Real shocker." He sighed, "I thought it would be fine. We went back to my house and we were just being together when my mom came barging in and screaming at me. Calling me all sorts of fucked up stuff. I stumbled over my words and he ended up getting pissed off and leaving too. When my dad got back there was more yelling, more slurs, then they threw me out. I lost my family and my boyfriend on the same day.

"I don't even know if I could call them my family. They got food and let me stay at the house but it was so disconnected I might as well have been living with two strangers who hurt me constantly." His voice cracked at the end and he hung his head down. I wished I could have seen his face, seen what hurt he was showing.

"I just... What did I do to deserve that? What awful thing did I do to make my parents hate me and anyone who's ever loved me fucking leave." I could tell he was crying now. I hugged him and he was trembling. It just made me want to hold him tighter.

"I am never leaving you. Okay?" I whispered.

"How the hell am I supposed to know that?"

"Because you mean a lot to me. And I care about you. I'm not going anywhere." He turned around and buried his face in my chest, sobbing. I muttered comforting words to help with this but I think all it did was make him cry harder.

Once he calmed down, I kissed the top of his head. "You want to take a shower or something and I can get us some food? Or a tub of ice cream." I was proud that I got a snort out of Ace. He nodded and sniffled. He got up and went to the bathroom and I went to my own room to change my shirt then to the kitchen.

I made a box of mac n cheese just for something simple and waited for Ace to get out of the shower. Almost 20 minutes passed before I started getting concerned. What if he passed out in the shower? He could have hit his head or drowned! Okay, the drowning bit might be overdramatic, but who knows if he fell face down and was breathing in water? I went to his room and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Y-yes!?" Ace yelped.

"You coming out soon? Food is getting cold."

"Yeah. I'll be out in a sec." He said.

He walked into the kitchen and got himself a bowl of food before sitting at the counter.

"Thank you... By the way. I've never been able to say stuff like that." He mumbled.

"Of course Ace. Any time." I smiled even though he couldn't see. "And I meant what I said earlier. I'm not going anywhere unless you tell me to."

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