"Oh no, I couldn't possibly intrude on anything-"

"Nonsense petite fleur! Any friend of Santiago's is a friend of mine!" He said it with a bright smile and seemed so sure of his words. My eyes connected with Santiago once more and I saw the subtle nod he gave me. I turned back towards Louis and saw the hopeful and easy-going smile he held and couldn't help but agree.

Louis led us over to a group of five that stood far from others that talked quietly to each other. The four men held drinks in their hands while the only woman seemed content enough in the arms of what looked to be her husband.

"Maman!" He called out with a grin as we approached. (T: mom)

"Oh, Louis où étais-tu!" She whisper shouted to not draw attention. (T:oh Louis where have you been)

"Sorry mom," he mumbled as I held back a laugh at the scolding.

"Louis, you know how much your mother worries," her husband said gruffly. "Where were you?"

"I was at the bar and I made a friend." All at once their eyes drifted over to me. I scanned them over. The oldest man's eyes and face gave nothing away much like my own, the second seemed curious, while the youngest boy looked downright confused at the prospect of his brother making a friend. My eyes switched over to the father and mother.

Louis' fathers expression matched his eldest sons and gave nothing away while his wife's mouth opened the slightest bit as her breathing picked up slightly. Her husband rubbed her back soothingly while placing a kiss on the crown of her head.

"Everyone this is..." Louis paused for a moment and turned back around to me with furrowed brows. "You never did give me your name."

The youngest son snickered slightly. "Some friend you are, idiot."

Louis spun around and growled out an insult in French to which the youngest held his fingers up in surrender. I could vaguely see the second eldest place his fingers to the bridge of his nose and mumble something under his breath.

"It's alright Louis, my name's Jade." A bright grin lit up his face as he elbowed his still snickering younger brother in the stomach.

"Well Jade, I'd like you to meet my family. This is my father Raphael Corbeau," he gestured to the man and then to his wife. "My mother Camille and my brothers Olivier,"

The cold one I thought


The one done with his brothers bullshit

"And Marcel."

The one giggling like a schoolgirl at his brother making friends

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." I said feeling almost awkward at the introduction.

"What's your last name?" My eyes met Oliviers as he watched me coldly.

"Olivier!" His mother hissed out giving him a glare.

"It's quiet alright Mrs. Corbeau," I replied with a smile. "To answer your question Olivier I don't have one."

This seemed to gain everyone's undivided attention.

"No last name?" Raphael asked, his face unwavering. "Why is that?"

"I'm an orphan." It didn't come out coldly and I found myself having no problem saying it. I didn't doubt they were friends with Santiago. I saw no lie when Louis told me about the friendship and Santiago wouldn't have let me go if he didn't trust them.

"I'm sorry to hear that sweetheart." Camille said sadly with a kind smile gracing her features.

"It's quite alright, I've never had one and won't until I marry." There was silence that rang out between the group and myself and I took the time to observe the group.

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